Ports 搜索

misc/sshbuddy-1.05 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Simple and small GUI utility to manage ssh sessions
This is a Expectk script that allows you to save time connecting to different hosts using ssh. It saves your password, login ID, and other host info that you have to type over and over again to connect. Once you save your connection information you can connect to a host with 2 clicks. First you choose the name and then hit connect. It will save you a lot of time.
net-p2p/namecoin-0.3.80 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Decentralized, open DNS system and general purpose key/value store
Namecoin is an open source decentralized key/value registration and transfer system based on Bitcoin technology (a decentralized cryptocurrency). It allows you to: * Securely register and transfer arbitrary names (keys), no possible censorship! * Attach values (data) to the names (currently up to 520 bytes, will be extended) * Trade and transact namecoins, the digital currency NMC To register a name, you must own some namecoins (NMC, the internal cryptocurrency used by the software).
net/ip2location-7.0.2 (Score: 0.0043663546)
C library to find user\'s location
IP2Location is a C library that enables the user to find the country, region, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, mobile network, elevation, usage type by IP address or hostname originates from. It contains a demo IP2Location IP-COUNTRY BIN database which consists of real data for IP address range to 99.255. 255.255. This database contains IP address blocks as key and countries as values.
net/lft-3.73 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Layer 4 Traceroute program
LFT, short for Layer Four Traceroute, is a sort of 'traceroute' that often works much faster (than the commonly-used Van Jacobson method) and goes through many configurations of packet-filter based firewalls. More importantly, LFT implements numerous other features including AS number lookups, loose source routing, netblock name lookups, et al. Though LFT has been around since 1998, its development effort has just recently resumed. Ported to FreeBSD by: Marco P. Rodrigues
ports-mgmt/portless-0.2.7 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Quick display of files inside the FreeBSD ports tree
The portless utility is a small shell script which lets FreeBSD users quickly browse port descriptions given the port's name or a glob. Basically to view the descriptions of GCC (related) ports you simply type portless gcc\* and it will display all descriptions of the gcc* ports. There are options to display the port's postinstall message or Makefile too. A manpage is included.
science/pybrain-0.3.3 (Score: 0.0043663546)
PyBrain is the swiss army knife for neural networking
PyBrain is a modular Machine Learning Library for Python. It's goal is to offer flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful algorithms for Machine Learning Tasks and a variety of predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms. PyBrain is short for Python-Based Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Library. In fact, we came up with the name first and later reverse-engineerer this quite descriptive "Backronym".
security/Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
Blowfish is a published algorithm written by Bruce Schneier Unlike IDEA or DES etc. there are no patent implications in using this algorithm. It uses anywhere between a 64 bit and a 448 bit key. The transform itself is fast and operates on a 64 bit block, and most of the calculation time is in initialising the context with the key data. The _PP name comes from the fact that this implementation is Pure Perl, and will not have any compatibility problems.
security/Safe-Hole-0.13 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
We can call outside defined subroutines from the Safe compartment using share(), and call methods through the object that is copied into the Safe compartment using varglob(). However, these subroutines and methods are still executed in the Safe compartment, so they cannot call other subroutines that are dynamically qualified with the package name, such as class methods. Through Safe::Hole, we can execute outside defined subroutines in the original main compartment from the Safe compartment.
security/Auth_PrefManager-1.2.2 (Score: 0.0043663546)
PEAR preferences management class
Preference Manager is a class to handle user preferences in a web application, looking them up in a table using a combination of their userid, and the preference name to get a value, and (optionally) returning a default value for the preference if no value could be found for that user. It is designed to be used alongside the PEAR Auth class, but can be used with anything that allows you to obtain the user's id - including your own code.
shells/fd-3.01b (Score: 0.0043663546)
CUI-based file and directory management tool
`FD' (FDclone) is a CUI-based file and directory management tool which allows you to browse and manipulate directories and files with an easy and intuitive user interface. It also has a built-in Bourne-shell compatible shell which can be run stand-alone by the name of `fdsh'. This version is a clone of FD for DOS (AT and PC9801) designed and written by A. Idei (SDI00544@niftyserve.or.jp).