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comms/picocom-2.1 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Dumb Terminal Emulator
As its name suggests, picocom is a minimal dumb-terminal emulation pro- gram. It is, in principle, very much like minicom(1) , only it's "pico" instead of "mini"! It was designed to serve as a simple, manual, modem configuration, testing, and debugging tool. It has also served (quite well) as a low-tech "terminal-window" to allow operator intervention in PPP connection scripts (something like the ms-windows "open terminal window before / after dialing" feature). It could also prove useful in many other similar tasks.
databases/DBIx-Ease-0.07 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Less-code DBI interactions for all drivers
DBIx::Ease is intended to allow less-code DBI interactions. Upon creation of a new DBIx::Ease object you should pass the portion of the DSN (Data Source Name) common to all connections the object is supposed to store. Replace the variable portions with '<databasename>'. Whenever you wish to make only one connection you may enter the complete DSN, also when you want to make connections with the same source but as different users, then call exec() with different names of your choice as initial argument.
databases/postgresql-relay-1.3.2 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Multiplex multiple PostgreSQL databases to one relay
postgresql-relay can be used to as a single point of origin for all your databases. Instead of having to remember (or modify in case of changes) all the names of your databases, on which machines and on which ports they are running, you only need to remember one machine and the name of the database. The postgresql-relay will then forward the connection to the proper database on the proper port of the proper server. No more changes in the hundreds of clients and scripts!
databases/lmdb-0.9.18 (Score: 0.0037425896)
OpenLDAP Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
LMDB is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value data store developed by Symas for the OpenLDAP Project. It uses memory-mapped files, so it has the read performance of a pure in-memory database while still offering the persistence of standard disk-based databases, and is only limited to the size of the virtual address space, (it is not limited to the size of physical RAM). LMDB was originally called MDB, but was renamed to avoid confusion with other software associated with the name MDB.
deskutils/tomboy-1.15.4 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Personal note taking system for the GNOME desktop
Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix. Simple and easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas and information you deal with every day. The key to Tomboy's usefulness lies in the ability to relate notes and ideas together. Using a WikiWiki-like linking system, organizing ideas is as simple as typing a name. Branching an idea off is easy as pressing the Link button. And links between your ideas won't break, even when renaming and reorganizing them.
deskutils/preferences-1.2.0 (Score: 0.0037425896)
GNUstep workspace manager
Preferences.app is, functionally, a clone of NeXTstep/OPENSTEP tool of the same name. Just like the original program, it's a simple application for setting preferences for the GNUstep system, with a friendly interface. The program is simple, but powerful -- people can create new modules, called "bundles", that add new things to the program that its original developers did not think of or even intend -- that don't require recompiling the main program. For more information on what bundles can do, see StepWise. They are a very powerful tool.
devel/proto-0.3.10 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Prototype object-based programming
proto (google code name r-proto) is an R package which facilitates a style of programming known as prototype-based programming. Prototype-based programming is a type of object oriented (OO) programming in which classes and objects are unified into a single concept, prototypes. This makes proto and prototye programming simpler than the usual OO model yet it retains the OO features of inheritance (known as delegation in the prototype model) and OO dispatch. Applications, News, Additional Information sources, Proto Bugs and Avoiding R Bugs sections are given below while associated Links are in the http://code.google.com/p/r-proto/wiki/Links
devel/Class-Accessor-Named-0.009 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Better profiling output for Class::Accessor
Class::Accessor is a great way to automate the tedious task of generating accessors and mutators. One small drawback is that due to the details of the implementation, you only get one __ANON__ entry in profiling output. That entry contains all your accessors, which can be a real pain if you're attempting to figure out which of your accessors is being called six billion times. This module is a development aid which uses Hook::LexWrap and Sub::Name to talk your accessors into identifying themselves. While it shouldn't add much additional runtime overhead (as it acts only Class::Accessor's generator functions), it has not been designed for production deployment.
devel/Devel-RingBuffer-0.31 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Shared memory ring buffers for Perl scripts diagnosis/debug
Provides shared memory structures (using memory mapped files via IPC::Mmap) to be used by diagnostic and debugger applications for Perl scripts (see Devel::STrace). Using XS/C code to maximize performance, creates a set of ring buffers with a configurable number of slots. Each slot includes a field for a line number, a timestamp, and a fully qualified subroutine name. Each ring buffer also includes additional headers and fields to support diagnostic interfaces, e.g., watched expressions, command/response interfaces to the monitored applications, etc.
devel/Hash-AutoHash-1.17 (Score: 0.0037425896)
Object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
This is yet another module that lets you access or change the elements of a hash using methods with the same name as the element's key. It follows in the footsteps of Hash::AsObject, Hash::Inflator, Data::OpenStruct::Deep, Object::AutoAccessor, and probably others. The main difference between this module and its forebears is that it supports tied hashes, in addition to regular hashes. This allows a modular division of labor: this class is generic and treats all hashes the same; any special semantics come from the tied hash.