Aspell Manx Gaelic dictionary.
A high-speed character set detection library.
libguess employs discrete-finite automata to deduce the character set
of the input buffer. The advantage of this is that all character sets
can be checked in parallel, and quickly. Right now, libguess passes a
byte to each DFA on the same pass, meaning that the winning character
set can be deduced as efficiently as possible.
libguess is fully reentrant, using only local stack memory for DFA operations.
This package is for a single vCard (person/record/set of address information).
It provides an API to editing and creating vCards, or supplied a specific piece
of the Text::vFile::asData results it generates a vCard with that content.
The standard for machine-readable cataloging (MARC) records is documented at This package enables you to read existing MARC records
from a file, string, or (using the YAZ extension), from a Z39.50 source. You
can also use this package to create new MARC records.
Aspell Hiligaynon dictionary.
Aspell Croatian dictionary.
Implementation of the standard diff algorithm, and utilities for pretty
A port of the Java library by Terrence Parr.