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archivers/lhasa-0.3.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Command line tool and library for parsing LHA archives
Lhasa is a command line tool and library for parsing LHA archives. Currently it is only possible to decompress archives. Compressing LHA archives may be an enhancement for future versions. The aim is to be compatible with as many different variants of the LHA file format as possible, including LArc (.lzs) and PMarc (.pma). The command line tool aims to be interface-compatible with Unix LHA tool (command line syntax and output), for backwards compatibility with tools that expect particular output.
archivers/archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Library and command-line utility for tar archives
Archive::Tar::Minitar is a pure-Ruby library and command-line utility that provides the ability to deal with POSIX tar(1) archive files. The implementation is based heavily on Mauricio Fernandez's implementation in rpa-base, but has been reorganised to promote reuse in other projects. The library can only handle files and directories at this point. The command line utility, minitar, can only create archives, extract from archives, and list archive contents.
archivers/ark-4.14.3 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Archiving tool for KDE
Ark is a program for managing various archive formats within the KDE environment. Archives can be viewed, extracted, created and modified from within Ark. The program can handle various formats such as tar, gzip, bzip2, zip, rar and lha (if appropriate command-line programs are installed). Ark can work closely with Konqueror in the KDE environment to handle archives, if you install the Konqueror Integration plugin available in the kdeaddons package.
archivers/upx-3.91 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
UPX is a free, portable, extendable, high-performance executable packer for several different executable formats. It achieves an excellent compression ratio and offers very fast decompression. Your executables suffer no memory overhead or other drawbacks because of in-place decompression. UPX is copyrighted software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, with special exceptions granting the free usage for commercial programs as stated in the UPX License Agreement.
archivers/zoo-2.10.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Manipulate archives of files in compressed form
Zoo is used to create and maintain collections of files in compressed form. It uses a Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm that gives space savings in the range of 20% to 80% depending on the type of file data. Zoo can store and selectively extract multiple generations of the same file. Data can be recovered from damaged archives by skipping the damaged portion and locating undamaged data with the help of fiz(1).
astro/Astro-ADS-1.26 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
OO Perl interface to the ADS abstract service
The Astro::ADS module is an objected orientated Perl interface to the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) abstract service. The ADS is a NASA-funded project whose main resource is an Abstract Service, which includes four sets of abstracts: 1) astronomy and astrophysics, containing 719,449 abstracts; 2) instrumentation, containing 608,834 abstracts; 3) physics and geophysics, containing 1,079,814 abstracts; and 4) Los Alamos preprint server, containing 4,104 abstracts. Each dataset can be searched by author, object name (astronomy only), title, or abstract text words.
audio/aqualung-1.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Music player with rich features
Aqualung is an advanced music player originally targeted at the GNU/Linux operating system. Today it is also running on FreeBSD and OpenBSD, with native ports to Mac OS X and even Microsoft Windows. It plays audio CDs, internet radio streams and podcasts as well as sound files in just about any audio format, and has a feature of inserting no gaps between adjacent tracks.
audio/enscribe-0.1.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Create digital audio watermark images from photographic images
Enscribe creates digital audio watermark images from photographic images. These images can only be seen using a third party frequency vs time display, such as Baudline (audio/baudline). Images are still visible even after such audio mangling techniques as MP3/Ogg compression, reverb, chorus, etc. Heavy EQ and flange can stripe out vertical sections, but they can also ruin an otherwise good song as well.
audio/fdmf-0.0.9.s (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Find similar music by perceptual hashing
fdmf is portable perl/C software for finding pairs of music files in a collection that are likely to contain the same music. It works on the music itself, not on the filename, tags, or headers. It uses an audio fingerprint, or perceptual hash to recognize the duplicate files. It is currently under heavy development, so it might be buggy, broken, or otherwise bad. But it works for me.
audio/flite-1.4 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Small run-time speech synthesis engine
Flite is a small fast run-time speech synthesis engine. It is the latest addition to the suite of free software synthesis tools including University of Edinburgh's Festival Speech Synthesis System and Carnegie Mellon University's FestVox project, tools, scripts and documentation for building synthetic voices. However, flite itself does not require either of these systems to compile and run. Flite is the answer to the complaint that Festival is too big, too slow, and not portable enough.