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lang/cmucl-extra-19c (Score: 0.13971135)
Optional extras for the CMU implementation of Common Lisp
Optional extras for the CMU implementation of Common Lisp. Optional packages for graphical user interfaces and other Common Lisp applications and libraries are on: ftp://cmucl.cons.org/pub/lisp/cmucl/
lang/bf2c-1.3.1 (Score: 0.13971135)
Optimizing BrainF*ck to C compiler
BrainF*ck is a minimalistic, yet Turing-complete programming language with only 8 instructions. bf2c compiles a BF file into a corresponding C file, optimizing as much as possible for speed, size and readability. It is written for fun, self-educating purposes and to beat existing BF compilers.
lang/cmucl-19f (Score: 0.13971135)
The CMU implementation of Common Lisp
CMUCL is the CMU implementation of Common Lisp. First-aid documentation is in the manpages lisp(1) and cmucl(1) and via the normal Common Lisp documentation runtime functions (describe ...) (documentation ...) and (apropos ...). The WWW homepage contains a pointer to a real user manual. CMUCL's strength in comparison with other Lisp systems (or most other dynamic language implementations in general) is its highly optimizing compiler. If you know how to write efficient Common Lisp code, you are free of unwanted memory allocation, type checks, indirections to objects. CMUCL helps you to write efficient Common Lisp --- it generates very informative warning messages about code constructs that prevent compilation to efficient code. Optional packages for graphical user interfaces and other Common Lisp applications and libraries (Eg. the "Hemlock" Editor) are on ftp://ftp2.cons.org/pub/languages/lisp/cmucl/release/ (FreeBSD-Binaries) and ftp://ftp2.cons.org/pub/languages/lisp/cmucl/ports/ (source).
lang/erlang- (Score: 0.13971135)
Functional programming language from Ericsson
Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. This port contains a standalone runtime environment of Erlang 18 to be used during the development of OTP applications.
lang/cparser-0.9.14 (Score: 0.13971135)
C99 compiler using libFIRM as backend
cparser is a recursive descent C99 parser written in C99. It contains lexer, parser, constructs an AST and does semantic analysis. It is currently used as a frontend to the libFirm intermediate representation, but can be used independently. cparser is able to bootstrap itself. It currently uses an external preprocessor. * fast recursive descent parser, parses C90 and C99 * handles most GCC extensions, e.g. __attribute__, inline assembler, computed goto, statement expressions * handles some MSVC extensions (like declspec) * provides many useful warnings * format string checker for char and wchar_t * unreachable code analysis * missing return statement check, which pinpoints exact location(s) * write-only/-self variables detection * missing and redundant forward declarations * most warnings switches, which are available for GCC * provides concise messages in case of error, for example when encountering misspelled typenames * compiler driver compatible with GCC (-fxxx, -Wxxx, -M, ...) * uses libFIRM for optimization and code generation (devel/libfirm)
lang/diveintopython-5.4 (Score: 0.13971135)
Free Python tutorial book that is "not For Dummies(tm)"
"Dive Into Python" is a Python tutorial for experienced programmers. The book is published under the GNU Free Documentation License and is available in a variety of formats. It is currently being translated into a number of languages.
lang/dlv-20121217 (Score: 0.13971135)
Disjunctive Datalog System
DLV is a system for disjunctive datalog with constraints, true negation and queries. The DLV system also includes * the K planning system, * a frontend for abductive diagnosis and Reiter's diagnosis, * support for inheritance, and * an SQL frontend which prototypes some novel SQL3 features.
lang/cython-0.24 (Score: 0.13971135)
Compiler for Writing C Extensions for the Python Language
The Cython language makes writing C extensions for the Python language as easy as Python itself. Cython is a source code translator based on the well-known Pyrex, but supports more cutting edge functionality and optimizations. The Cython language is very close to the Python language (and most Python code is also valid Cython code), but Cython additionally supports calling C functions and declaring C types on variables and class attributes. This allows the compiler to generate very efficient C code from Cython code. This makes Cython the ideal language for writing glue code for external C libraries, and for fast C modules that speed up the execution of Python code.
lang/dmd-1.076 (Score: 0.13971135)
Official compiler for the D 1.0 programming language
D is a systems programming language. Its focus is on combining the power and high performance of C and C++ with the programmer productivity of modern languages like Ruby and Python. Special attention is given to the needs of quality assurance, documentation, management, portability and reliability. The D language is statically typed and compiles directly to machine code. It's multiparadigm, supporting many programming styles: imperative, object oriented, and metaprogramming. It's a member of the C syntax family, and its appearance is very similar to that of C++. It is not governed by a corporate agenda or any overarching theory of programming. The needs and contributions of the D programming community form the direction it goes.
lang/dmd-2.071.1 (Score: 0.13971135)
D 2.0 compiler, not officially validated for FreeBSD
D is a systems programming language. Its focus is on combining the power and high performance of C and C++ with the programmer productivity of modern languages like Ruby and Python. Special attention is given to the needs of quality assurance, documentation, management, portability and reliability. The D language is statically typed and compiles directly to machine code. It's multiparadigm, supporting many programming styles: imperative, object oriented, and metaprogramming. It's a member of the C syntax family, and its appearance is very similar to that of C++. It is not governed by a corporate agenda or any overarching theory of programming. The needs and contributions of the D programming community form the direction it goes. This is an unofficial port that compiles directly from source, so it has not been officially validated or tested on the FreeBSD platform by the developer. This Software is copyrighted and comes with a single user license, and may not be redistributed. If you wish to obtain a redistribution license, please contact Digital Mars.