Ports 搜索

textproc/Text-Format+NWrap-0.52 (Score: 0.068937615)
Various subroutines to format and wrap text
The format routine will format under all circumstances even if the width isn't enough to contain the longest words. Text::Wrap will die under these circumstances, although I am told this is fixed. If columns is set to a small number and words are longer than that and the leading 'whitespace' than there will be a single word on each line. This will let you make a simple word list which could be indented or right aligned. This port is a superset of p5-Text-Format -- it includes the Text::NWrap module.
textproc/Text-FormatTable-1.03 (Score: 0.068937615)
Renders simple tables as text
Text::FormatTable renders simple tables as text. You pass to the constructor a table format specification similar to LaTeX (e.g. "r|l|l") and you call methods to fill the table data and insert rules. After the data is filled, you render the table as text. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/Text-German-0.06 (Score: 0.068937615)
German Grundform reduction
Text::German - German grundform reduction This is a rather incomplete implementaion of work done by Gudrun Putze-Meier <gudrun.pm@t-online.de>. I have to confess that I never read her original paper. So all credit belongs to her, all bugs are mine. I tried to get some insight from an implementation of two students of mine. They remain anonymous because their work was the wost piece of code I ever saw. My code behaves mostly as their implementation did except it is about 75 times faster.
textproc/Text-Glob-0.09 (Score: 0.068937615)
Match globbing patterns against text
Text::Glob implements glob(3) style matching that can be used to match against text, rather than fetching names from a filesystem. If you want to do full file globbing use the File::Glob module instead.
textproc/Text-Greeking-0.14 (Score: 0.068937615)
Generate meaningless text that creates the illusion of the document
Greeking is the use of random letters or marks to show the overall appearance of a printed page without showing the actual text. Greeking is used to make it easy to judge the overall appearance of a document without being distracted by the meaning of the text. This is a module is for quickly generating varying meaningless text from any source to create this illusion of the content in systems. This module was created to quickly give developers simulated content to fill systems with simulated content. Instead of static Lorem Ipsum text, by using randomly generated text and optionally varying word sources, repetitive and monotonous patterns that do not represent real system usage is avoided.
textproc/chpp-0.3.5 (Score: 0.068937615)
Non-intrusive full-featured text preprocessor
`chpp' is a preprocessor. Therefore, its main purpose is to modify input text by including other input files and by macro expansion. What distinguishes `chpp' from other textprocessors are mainly two features: * `chpp' is non-intrusive. This means that you can take your favorite text and it is very unlikely that it will be changed when piped through `chpp'. Due to this feature it is pretty easy to start using `chpp' since you can just start writing your text and need not concern yourself with `chpp' sitting in the background changing it for no obvious reason. * `chpp' is not just a package for performing simple macro expansion, but can indeed be considered a full-fledged programming language. Most importantly, it provides support for complex data structures, namely lists and hashes (associative arrays), which can be nested arbitrarily.
textproc/meta-0.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Parser generator for Common Lisp
META is builder for recursive descent parsers implemented as a domain specific language on top of Common Lisp. This package installs binaries for SBCL.
textproc/Text-Highlight-0.04 (Score: 0.068937615)
Syntax highlighting framework
Text::Highlight is a flexible and extensible tool for highlighting the syntax in programming code. The markup used and languages supported are completely customizable. It can output highlighted code for embedding in HTML, terminal escapes for an ANSI-capable display, or even posting on an online forum. Bundled support includes C/C++, CSS, HTML, Java, Perl, PHP and SQL.
textproc/Text-HikiDoc-1.021 (Score: 0.068937615)
Pure Perl implementation of 'HikiDoc'
'HikiDoc' is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. The original 'HikiDoc' is Ruby implementation. This library is pure perl implementation of 'HikiDoc', and has interchangeability with the original.
textproc/Text-Hyphen-0.11 (Score: 0.068937615)
Determine positions for hyphens inside words
Determine positions for hyphens inside words This module implements Knuth-Liang algorithm to find positions inside words where it is possible to insert hyphens to break a line.