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Results 501510 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.004 seconds)
www/phpmp-0.12.0 (Score: 0.024324121)
Web interface for music player daemon
phpMp is a web interface for Music Player Daemon (MPD) which allows remote control of MPD. For example, to control a housewide stereo system from multiple locations.
www/tclhttpd-3.5.1 (Score: 0.024324121)
Http-server implemented in TCL
This is a pure-Tcl implementation of an HTTP protocol server. It runs as a script on top of a vanilla Tcl interpreter using tcllib scripts and, optionally, two binary libraries (crypt and limit). The Tcl I/O system provides event-driven I/O facilities and a primitive that copies data from one I/O channel to another. The server does the HTTP protocol handling and then simply directs the I/O system to blast data from disk to a network socket. The server has suprisingly good performance because of Tcl's sophisticated I/O system. The HTTP protocol is perhaps the least interesting aspect of the server. The cool stuff is the framework for generating dynamic page content, and the support for embedding the server directly into legacy applications to "web-enable" them. A Tcl-based web server is ideal for embedding because Tcl was designed to support embedding into other applications. The interpreted nature of Tcl allows dynamic reconfiguration of the server. Once the core interface between the web server and the hosting application is defined, it is possible to manage the web server, upload Safe-Tcl control scripts, download logging information, and otherwise debug the Tcl part of the application without restarting the hosting application.
www/thttpd-2.27 (Score: 0.024324121)
Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server with CGI support
thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server. - Simple: It handles only the minimum necessary to implement HTTP/1.1. - Small: It also has a very small run-time size, since it does not fork and is very careful about memory allocation. - Portable: It compiles cleanly on SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.x, BSD/OS 2.x, Linux 1.2.x, and OSF/1 (on a 64-bit Alpha). - Fast: In typical use it's about as fast as the best full-featured servers (Apache, NCSA, Netscape). Under extreme load it's much faster. - Secure: It goes to great lengths to protect the web server machine against attacks and breakins from other sites. It also has one extremely useful feature (URL-traffic-based throttling) that no other server currently has.
www/thumbnail_index-1998.08.10 (Score: 0.024324121)
Make an HTML index file for a bunch of images
thumbnail_index - make an HTML index file for a bunch of images Run this script in a web directory consisting of all or mostly image files. It'll create an index.html of thumbnail images, putting the thumbnail files in a hidden subdirectory.
www/mod_authz_unixgroup-1.0.3 (Score: 0.024324121)
UNIX group access control module for Apache 2.2
Mod_Authz_Unixgroup 1.0.x is a Unix group access control modules for Apache version 2.2. If you have Apache 2.3 or Apache 2.4, you should be using version 1.1.x of this module instead. If you are having users authenticate with real Unix login ID over the net, using something like my mod_authnz_external / pwauth combination, and you want to do access control based on Unix group membership, then mod_authz_unixgroup is exactly what you need.
www/tntnet-2.2.1 (Score: 0.024324121)
Webapplicationserver for C++
Tntnet is a modular, multithreaded, high performance webapplicationserver for C++. To create webapplications Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to php, jsp or mason, where you can embed c++-code inside a html-page to generate active content. The ecpp-files are precompiled to c++-classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime.
www/mod_authz_unixgroup-1.1.0 (Score: 0.024324121)
UNIX group access control module for Apache 2.4
Mod_Authz_Unixgroup 1.1.x is a Unix group access control modules for Apache version 2.4. If you have Apache 2.2 you should be using version 1.0.x of this module instead. If you are having users authenticate with real Unix login ID over the net, using something like my mod_authnz_external / pwauth combination, and you want to do access control based on Unix group membership, then mod_authz_unixgroup is exactly what you need.
www/amphetadesk-0.93.1 (Score: 0.024324121)
RSS client that serves HTTP to your local web browser
AmphetaDesk is a free, cross platform, open-sourced, syndicated news aggregator - it obediently sits on your desktop, downloads the latest news that interests you, and displays them in a quick and easy to use (and customizable!) webpage. With thousands of channels available, AmphetaDesk can shave hours off your day - and you'll look smart to all your friends! Egotism never had it better!
www/waccess-2.0 (Score: 0.024324121)
Quick-N-Dirty Web Access Log Analyzer
waccess is a "quickie" way to do simple web access log file analysis. It is not a replacement for a serious log analysis tool, but it's handy if you just want to know simple things, like how many times a particular file has been accessed, and by whom.
www/mythweb-0.27.5 (Score: 0.024324121)
Frontend for scheduling and managing recordings on your MythTV Box
MythWeb provides a frontend for scheduling and managing recordings on your MythBox from a web browser located on another machine. Provided the security is set up correctly on your MythBox you can access your machine from anywhere on the internet, or even your mobile phone as long as you have a compatible browser.