Ports Search

Results 2,3512,360 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.027 seconds)
databases/bigrecord-0.1.1 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Intended to work as a drop-in for Rails applications
BigRecord is built from ActiveRecord, and intended to seamlessly integrate into your Ruby on Rails applications.
Lets you Alt-Tab windows in a cover-flow manner
CoverflowAltTab is an Alt-Tab replacement available as an extension for Gnome-Shell and Cinnamon.
Automatically open notes at a given date and time
This plugin looks for notes with lines like ``Remind 23 october'' and will open the note containing this on the corresponding date and time.
devel/bzr-upload-1.1.0 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Bzr plugin to incrementally upload changes to a dumb server
Web sites are often hosted on servers where bzr can't be installed. In other cases, the web site must not give access to its corresponding branch (for security reasons for example). Finally, web hosting providers often provides only ftp access to upload sites. This plugin uploads only the relevant changes in your working tree since the last upload using ftp or sftp protocols.
devel/fpc-3.0.0 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
FreeVision is a Free Pascal unit for Delphi support
devel/Uniq-0.01 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Perl extension for managing a uniq list of values
Perl extension for managing list of values.
devel/params-1.0 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
PECL extension for a userspace equivalent of zend_parse_parameters()
The params extension provides userspace equivalent of zend_parse_parameters()
devel/lrmi-0.10 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
LRMI is a library for calling real mode BIOS routines
Linux/BSD Real Mode interface library.
devel/AtExit-2.03 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Perform exit processing for a program or object
The AtExit module provides ANSI-C style exit processing modeled after the atexit function in the standard C library (see atexit(3C)). Various exit processing routines may be registered by calling atexit and passing it the desired subroutine along with any desired arguments. Then, at program-exit time, the subroutines registered with atexit are invoked with their given arguments in the reverse order of registration (last one registered is invoked first). Registering the same subroutine more than once will cause that subroutine to be invoked once for each registration.
devel/Set-Scalar-1.26 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Perl module containing a set of scalars, including references
This package implements the basic set operations for Perl scalars/references.