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Results 6170 of 84 for "HTTP Server".(0.006 seconds)
www/WebTest-2.0.23 (Score: 0.018790025)
Helper to test WSGI applications
py-WebTest is a helper to test WSGI applications, it wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to send test requests to that application, without starting up an HTTP server. It provides convenient full-stack testing of applications written with any WSGI-compatible framework.
www/nginx-1.11.4 (Score: 0.018790025)
Robust and small WWW server
NGINX is a high performance edge web server with the lowest memory footprint and the key features to build modern and efficient web infrastructure. NGINX functionality includes HTTP server, HTTP and mail reverse proxy, caching, load balancing, compression, request throttling, connection multiplexing and reuse, SSL offload and HTTP media streaming.
www/nginx-1.10.1 (Score: 0.018790025)
Robust and small WWW server
NGINX is a high performance edge web server with the lowest memory footprint and the key features to build modern and efficient web infrastructure. NGINX functionality includes HTTP server, HTTP and mail reverse proxy, caching, load balancing, compression, request throttling, connection multiplexing and reuse, SSL offload and HTTP media streaming.
www/nostromo-1.9.6 (Score: 0.018790025)
Fast, secure HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 SSL IPv4/IPv6 webserver
Nostromo aka nhttpd is a simple, fast and secure HTTP server. It runs as a single process, handling connections with select(2). For CGIs and directory listing it does fork(2). The minimum of HTTP/1.1 and CGI/1.1 are implemented. Also supported are: chroot, setuid, basic authentication, SSL, IPv6, custom responses, aliases, and virtual hosts. The access log is written in standard CLF format.
www/puma-2.16.0 (Score: 0.018790025)
Fast, multithreaded and highly concurrent ruby web server
Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications. Puma is intended for use in both development and production environments. In order to get the best throughput, it is highly recommended that you use a Ruby implementation with real threads like Rubinius or JRuby.
www/raindrops-0.16.0 (Score: 0.018790025)
Real-time stats toolkit to show statistics for Rack HTTP servers
Raindrops is a real-time stats toolkit to show statistics for Rack HTTP servers. It is designed for preforking servers such as Rainbows! and Unicorn, but should support any Rack HTTP server under Ruby 1.9, 1.8 and Rubinius on platforms supporting POSIX shared memory. It may also be used as a generic scoreboard for sharing atomic counters across multiple processes.
www/tinytinyhttpd-0.0.11 (Score: 0.018790025)
Tiny tiny httpd
tinytinyhttpd is a very lightweight HTTP server written in C. It supports multi threads, customization, directory listing and CGI. It is confirmed to run the following software under tinytinyhttpd with no hassle: * MTOS(Movable Type Open Source) (perl) * WordPress (php) * blogn Plus (php) * tDiary (ruby) * PukiWiki (php) * NucreusCMS (php) * blosxom (perl)
www/tengine-2.0.3 (Score: 0.018790025)
Robust and small WWW server forked from Nginx
Tengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features. Tengine has proven to be very stable and efficient on some of the top 100 websites in the world, including taobao.com and tmall.com.
www/Apache-ASP-2.62 (Score: 0.016608194)
Active Server Pages for Apache
This perl module provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache HTTP Server with perl as the host scripting language. Active Server Pages is a web application platform that originated with the Microsoft IIS server. Under Apache for both Win32 and Unix, it allows a developer to create dynamic web applications with session management and perl code embedded in static html files. This is a portable solution, similar to ActiveState PerlScript and MKS PScript implementation of perl for IIS ASP. Work has been done and will continue to make ports to and from these other implementations as smooth as possible. This module works under the Apache HTTP Server with the mod_perl module enabled. See http://www.apache.org and http://perl.apache.org for further information. For database access, ActiveX, and scripting language issues, please read the FAQ section. http://search.cpan.org/dist/Apache-ASP/
devel/pytest-localserver-0.3.5 (Score: 0.016441273)
Py.test Plugin to test server connections locally
pytest-localserver is a plugin for the pytest testing framework which enables you to test server connections locally. Sometimes monkeypatching urllib2.urlopen() just does not cut it, for instance if you work with urllib2.Request, define your own openers/handlers or work with httplib. In these cases it may come in handy to have an HTTP server running locally which behaves just like the real thing. Well, look no further!