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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第881890项(搜索用时0.007秒)
www/larbin-2.6.3 (Score: 0.017457357)
HTTP crawler with an easy interface
Larbin is a powerful web crawler (also called [web] robot, spider...). It is intended to fetch a large number of web pages to fill the database of a search engine. With a network fast enough, Larbin is able to fetch more than 100 million pages on a standard PC. Larbin was initially developed for the XYLEME project in the VERSO team at INRIA. The goal of Larbin was to go and fetch XML pages on the web to fill the database of an xml-oriented search engine. The following can be done with Larbin: o A crawler for a search engine o A crawler for a specialized search enginer (xml, images, mp3...) o Statistics on the web (about servers or page contents) Larbin is created by: Sebastien Ailleret
Sets removes body for HTTP response if it is not required
Plack::Middleware::RemoveRedundantBody removes body in HTTP response, if it is not required.
devel/json-py-3.4 (Score: 0.017317673)
Python implementation of a JSON (http//:json.org) reader/writer
json-py is a simple, pure-python implementation of a JSON (http://json.org) reader and writer. JSON is used to exchange data across systems written in various languages. It is particularly suited to dynamic languages like Python, Javascript, etc. JSON = Javascript Object Notation implies it is suitable for AJAX applications that exchange data from servers to Javascript applications running on web browser clients.
net/Net-Amazon-0.62 (Score: 0.017317673)
Framework for accessing amazon.com via SOAP and XML/HTTP
Net::Amazon provides an object-oriented interface to amazon.com's SOAP and XML/HTTP interfaces. This way it's possible to create applications using Amazon's vast amount of data via a functional interface, without having to worry about the underlying communication mechanism.
www/LWPx-TimedHTTP-1.8 (Score: 0.017317673)
Time the different stages of an HTTP request
LWPx::TimedHTTP performs an HTTP request exactly the same as LWP does normally except for the fact that it times each stage of the request and then inserts the results as header. It's useful for debugging where abouts in a connection slow downs are occuring.
net/Net-TiVo-0.11 (Score: 0.01714776)
Framework for accessing TiVo using XML/HTTP
Net::TiVo provides an object-oriented interface to TiVo's REST interface. This makes it possible to query your TiVo for information about recorded content, such as a show's download URL, and space consumed.
sysutils/ck4up-1.4 (Score: 0.01714776)
Checks http and ftp sites for updates
ck4up is a small command-line utility, written in ruby. ck4up scans through a configuration file, fetches the listed URLs from the web, computes the md5sum of the page, and compares the value with the ones stored in a gdbm database. If both differ, a message will be written to the standard output.
net/httpry-0.1.7 (Score: 0.017113335)
Packet sniffer designed for displaying and logging HTTP traffic
"httpry is a specialized packet sniffer designed for displaying and logging HTTP traffic. It is not intended to perform analysis itself, but to capture, parse, and log the traffic for later analysis. It can be run in real-time displaying the traffic as it is parsed, or as a daemon process that logs to an output file. It is written to be as lightweight and flexible as possible, so that it can be easily adaptable to different applications."
devel/xcaplib-1.0.16 (Score: 0.017111134)
Python XCAP client library
XCAP protocol, defined in RFC 4825, allows a client to read, write, and modify application configuration data stored in XML format on a server. XCAP maps XML document sub-trees and element attributes to HTTP URIs, so that these components can be directly accessed by HTTP. An XCAP server used by XCAP clients to store data like presence policy in combination with a SIP Presence server that supports PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY SIP methods can provide a complete SIP SIMPLE solution.
devel/vcrpy-1.7.4 (Score: 0.017107155)
Automatically mock HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing
VCR.py simplifies and speeds up tests that make HTTP requests. The first time you run code that is inside a VCR.py context manager or decorated function, VCR.py records all HTTP interactions that take place through the libraries it supports and serializes and writes them to a flat file (in yaml format by default). This flat file is called a cassette. When the relevant peice of code is executed again, VCR.py will read the serialized requests and responses from the aforementioned cassette file, and intercept any HTTP requests that it recognizes from the original test run and return the responses that corresponded to those requests. This means that the requests will not actually result in HTTP traffic, which confers several benefits including: * The ability to work offline * Completely deterministic tests * Increased test execution speed