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Results 11,63111,640 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.014 seconds)
devel/MooseX-App-1.35 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
MooseX-App is a highly customizeable helper to write user-friendly command-line applications without having to worry about most of the annoying things usually involved. Just take any existing Moose class, add a single line (use MooseX-App qw(PluginA PluginB ...)) and create one class for each command in an underlying namespace. MooseX-App will then take care of - Finding, loading and initializing the command classes - Creating automated doucumentation - Reading and validating the command line options entered by the user Read the Tutorial[1] for getting started with a simple MooseX::App command line application. [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/MooseX-App/lib/MooseX/App/Tutorial.pod
devel/Object-Destroyer-2.01 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Make objects with circular references DESTROY normally
Object::Destroyer allows for the creation of "Destroy" handles. The handle is "attached" to the circular relationship, but is not a part of it. When the destroy handle falls out of scope, it will be cleaned up correctly, and while being cleaned up, it will also force the data structure it is attached to be destroyed as well. Object::Destroyer can call a specified release method on an object (or method DESTROY by default). Alternatively, it can execute an arbitrary user code passed to constructor as a code reference.
devel/PAR-Dist-0.49 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Create and manipulate PAR distributions
This module creates and manipulates PAR distributions. They are architecture-specific PAR files, containing everything under blib/ of CPAN distributions after their "make" or "Build" stage, a META.yml describing metadata of the original CPAN distribution, and a MANIFEST detailing all files within it. Digitally signed PAR distributions will also contain a SIGNATURE file. The naming convention for such distributions is: $NAME-$VERSION-$ARCH-$PERL_VERSION.par For example, "PAR-Dist-0.01-i386-freebsd-5.8.0.par" corresponds to the 0.01 release of "PAR-Dist" on CPAN, built for perl 5.8.0 running on "i386-freebsd".
devel/PAR-1.010 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Perl Archive Toolkit
The PAR Toolkit is a cross between Java's JAR and Perl2EXE; It makes cross-platform packaging and deployment a breeze for Perl programmers. Notable features include: * Turn your Perl programs into ready-to-run executables * Pack scripts and required libraries with a binary loader * Put PAR files into @INC to avoid version conflicts * Works with remote URL as well as local files * Supports XS modules and DATA sections * Turns CPAN module distributions into PAR distributions * Install, uninstall, signs and verifies PAR distributions * Runs scripts inside PAR files, generated by "pp -p"
devel/Parallel-Scoreboard-0.07 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Perl extension of scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
Parallel::Scoreboard is a pure-perl implementation of a process scoreboard. By using the module it is easy to create a monitor for many worker process, like the status module of the Apache HTTP server. Unlike other similar modules, Parallel::Scoreboard is easy to use and has no limitation on the format or the length of the statuses to be stored. Any arbitrary data (like JSON or frozen perl object) can be saved by the worker processes as their status and read from the manager process.
devel/Params-CallbackRequest-1.20 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Provide callbacks to method and function parameters
The idea behind this module is to provide a sort of plugin architecture for Perl templating systems. Callbacks are executed by the contents of a request to the Perl templating server, before the templating system itself executes. This approach allows you to carry out logical processing of data submitted from a form, to affect the contents of the request parameters before they're passed to the templating system for processing, and even to redirect or abort the request before the templating system handles it.
devel/Path-Extended-0.23 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Perl extension for yet another Path class
This is yet another file/directory handler that does a bit more than Path::Class for some parts, and a bit less for other parts. One of the main difference is Path::Extended always tries to use forward slashes when possible, ie. even when you're on the MS Windows, so that you don't need to care about escaping paths that annoys you from time to time when you want to apply regexen to a path, especially in file tests that use 'like' or 'compare'.
devel/Smart-Comments-1.000005 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Comments that do more than just sit there
Smart comments provide an easy way to insert debugging and tracking code into a program. They can report the value of a variable, track the progress of a loop, and verify that particular assertions are true. Best of all, when you're finished debugging, you don't have to remove them. Simply commenting out the use Smart::Comments line turns them back into regular comments. Leaving smart comments in your code is smart because if you needed them once, you'll almost certainly need them again later.
devel/Term-Animation-2.6 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
ASCII sprite animation framework
This module provides a framework to produce sprite animations using ASCII art. Each ASCII 'sprite' is given one or more frames, and placed into the animation as an 'animation object'. An animation object can have a callback routine that controls the position and frame of the object. If the constructor is passed no arguments, it assumes that it is running full screen, and behaves accordingly. Alternatively, it can accept a curses window (created with the Curses newwin call) as an argument, and will draw into that window.
devel/Term-Screen-1.05 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Basic screen + input class
Term::Screen is a very simple screen positioning module that should work wherever `Term::Cap' does. It is set up for Unix using stty's but these dependencies are isolated by evals in the `new' constructor. Thus you may create a child module implementing Screen with MS-DOS, ioctl, or other means to get raw and unblocked input. This is not a replacement for Curses -- it has no memory. This was written so that it could be easily changed to fit nasty systems, and to be available first thing.