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devel/Console_Table-1.3.0 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PHP class that makes it easy to build console style tables
PHP classes providing methods such as addRow(), insertRow(), addCol(), etc. to build Console tables. Can be with or without headers, and has various configurable options.
devel/Date-1.4.7 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR Date and Time Zone Classes
PEAR generic classes for representation and manipulation of dates, times and time zones without the need of timestamps, which is a huge limitation for php programs. Includes time zone data, time zone conversions and many date/time conversions. It does not rely on 32-bit system date stamps, so you can display calendars and compare dates that date pre 1970 and post 2038. This package also provides a class to convert date strings between Gregorian and Human calendar formats.
devel/Date_Holidays-0.21.8 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR driver based class to calculate holidays
Date_Holidays helps you calculating the dates and titles of holidays and other special celebrations. The calculation is driver-based so it is easy to add new drivers that calculate a country's holidays. The methods of the class can be used to get a holiday's date and title in various languages.
devel/OLE-1.0.0.r2 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR class for reading and writing OLE containers
This package allows reading and writing of OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) files, the format used as container for Excel, Word and other MS file formats.
devel/Event_Dispatcher-1.1.0 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR dispatch notifications using PHP callbacks
The Event_Dispatcher acts as a notification dispatch table. It is used to notify other objects of interesting things. This information is encapsulated in Event_Notification objects. Client objects register themselves with the Event_Dispatcher as observers of specific notifications posted by other objects. When an event occurs, an object posts an appropriate notification to the Event_Dispatcher. The Event_Dispatcher dispatches a message to each registered observer, passing the notification as the sole argument.
devel/FSM-1.4.0 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR Finite State Machine
The FSM package provides a simple class that implements a Finite State Machine.
devel/HTML_CSS-1.5.4 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR class for generating CSS declarations
PEAR::HTML_CSS provides a simple interface for generating a stylesheet declaration. It is completely standards compliant, and has some great features: * Simple OO interface to CSS definitions * Output to - Inline stylesheet declarations - Document internal stylesheet declarations - Standalone stylesheet declarations - Array of definitions In addition, it shares the following with HTML_Common based classes: * Indent style support * Line ending style
devel/HTML_BBCodeParser-1.2.3 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Parser to replace UBB style tags with their HTML equivalents
This is a parser to replace UBB style tags with their html equivalents. It does not simply do some regex calls, but is complete stack based parse engine. This ensures that all tags are properly nested, if not, extra tags are added to maintain the nesting. This parser should only produce xhtml 1.0 compliant code. All tags are validated and so are all their attributes. It should be easy to extend this parser with your own tags.
devel/HTML_Common-1.2.5 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR::HTML_Common is a base class for other HTML classes
The PEAR::HTML_Common package provides methods for HTML code display and attributes handling. * Methods to set, remove, update HTML attributes. * Handles comments in HTML code. * Handles layout and tabs for nicer HTML code.
devel/HTML_Form-1.3.0 (Score: 0.0052506765)
PEAR simple HTML form package
This is a simple HTML form generator. It supports all the HTML form element types including file uploads, may return or print the form, just individual form elements or the full form in "table mode" with a fixed layout. This package has been superceded by HTML_QuickForm.