Ports Search

Results 2,8612,870 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.01 seconds)
Renderer driver that generates a XML string
This is a Renderer driver for Structures_DataGrid that generates a XML string.
x11/rstart-1.0.5 (Score: 6.420922E-4)
Sample implementation of a Remote Start client
This package contains rstart, a sample implementation of a Remote Start client and server.
devel/Tree-Binary-Dictionary-1.01 (Score: 6.4120855E-4)
Dictionary API to a binary tree
A simple class to provide a dictionary style API to a binary tree of data. This can provide a useful alternative to a long-lived hash in long running daemons and processes.
irc/znc-1.6.3 (Score: 6.410393E-4)
Advanced IRC bouncer
ZNC is an advanced IRC bouncer with features that include support for multiple users, playback buffers, DCC bouncing, SASL authentication and SSL encryption. It can be extended with dynamically loaded modules written in C++ or Perl.
www/seamonkey-2.39 (Score: 6.410393E-4)
The open source, standards compliant web browser
This is the current release of the Seamonkey open source web browser. It should be fully compliant with all W3C standards, including HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JavaScript, MathML, SSL encryption, SVG and RDF.
devel/Tie-Cache-0.21 (Score: 6.3880347E-4)
LRU Cache in Memory through a tie interface
From README: This module implements a least recently used (LRU) cache in memory through a tie interface. Any time data is stored in the tied hash, that key/value pair has an entry time associated with it, and as the cache fills up, those members of the cache that are the oldest are removed to make room for new entries. So, the cache only "remembers" the last written entries, up to the size of the cache. This can be especially useful if you access great amounts of data, but only access a minority of the data a majority of the time. The implementation is a hash, for quick lookups, overlaying a doubly linked list for quick insertion and deletion. On a WinNT PII 300, writes to the hash were done at a rate 3100 per second, and reads from the hash at 6300 per second. Work has been done to optimize refreshing cache entries that are frequently read from, code like $cache{entry}, which moves the entry to the end of the linked list internally.
lang/rust-1.11.0 (Score: 6.377908E-4)
Language with a focus on memory safety and concurrency
Rust is an open-source systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents almost all crashes, and eliminates data races. Some of its features: - Algebraic data types, type inference - Pattern matching and closures - Concurrency without data races - Guaranteed memory safety - Optional garbage collection - Zero-cost abstractions - Minimal runtime - Efficient C bindings
security/beecrypt-4.2.1 (Score: 6.377075E-4)
BeeCrypt is an open source cryptography library
BeeCrypt is an open source cryptography library that contains highly optimized C and assembler implementations of many well-known algorithms including Blowfish, MD5, SHA-1, Diffie-Hellman, and ElGamal. Unlike some other crypto libraries, BeeCrypt is not designed to solve one specific problem, like file encryption, but to be a general purpose toolkit which can be used in a variety of applications. The BeeCrypt library currently includes: - Entropy sources for initializing pseudo-random generators - Pseudo-random generators: FIPS-186, Mersenne Twister - Block ciphers: Blowfish - Hash functions: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 - Keyed hash functions: MD5/HMAC, SHA-1/HMAC, SHA-256/HMAC - Multi-precision integer library, with assembler-optimized routines - Probabilistic primality testing, with optimized small prime trial division - Discrete logarithm parameter generation over a prime field - Diffie-Hellman key agreement - DHAES encryption scheme - ElGamal signature scheme (two variants) - Basic RSA primitives and key pair generation
databases/xapian-core-1.0.23 (Score: 6.365678E-4)
Probabilistic text search database engine
Xapian is an Open Source Probabilistic Information Retrieval library, released under the GPL. It's written in C++, with bindings to allow use from other languages. Xapian is designed to be a highly adaptable toolkit to allow developers to easily add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications. Xapian features include: - Ranked probabilistic search - word importance weighting - Relevance feedback - Phrase and proximity searching - Full range of structured boolean search operators - Term stemming - Database files > 2GB - Platform independent data formats - Allows simultaneous update and searching.
databases/xapian-core-1.2.23 (Score: 6.365678E-4)
Probabilistic text search database engine
Xapian is an Open Source Probabilistic Information Retrieval library, released under the GPL. It's written in C++, with bindings to allow use from other languages. Xapian is designed to be a highly adaptable toolkit to allow developers to easily add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications. Xapian features include: - Ranked probabilistic search - word importance weighting - Relevance feedback - Phrase and proximity searching - Full range of structured boolean search operators - Term stemming - Database files > 2GB - Platform independent data formats - Allows simultaneous update and searching.