Ports 搜索

security/Crypt-TEA-1.25 (Score: 1.1103157E-4)
Perl extension to Tiny Encryption Algorithm
TEA is a 64-bit symmetric block cipher with a 128-bit key and a variable number of rounds (32 is recommended). It has a low setup time, and depends on a large number of rounds for security, rather than a complex algorithm. It was developed by David J. Wheeler and Roger M. Needham, and is described at http://www.ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk/ftp/papers/djw-rmn/djw-rmn-tea.html .
security/Auth_PrefManager-1.2.2 (Score: 1.1103157E-4)
PEAR preferences management class
Preference Manager is a class to handle user preferences in a web application, looking them up in a table using a combination of their userid, and the preference name to get a value, and (optionally) returning a default value for the preference if no value could be found for that user. It is designed to be used alongside the PEAR Auth class, but can be used with anything that allows you to obtain the user's id - including your own code.
security/sqlninja-0.2.6 (Score: 1.1103157E-4)
Sql Server exploit toolkit
Sqlninja is a tool targeted to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end. Its main goal is to provide a remote shell on the vulnerable DB server, even in a very hostile environment. It should be used by penetration testers to help and automate the process of taking over a DB Server when a SQL Injection vulnerability has been discovered.
sysutils/jailadmin-1.9 (Score: 1.1103157E-4)
Jail management system with optional SNMP support
JailAdmin is a system for managing a set of named jails. It provides: - A command line utility for starting and stopping named jails. - An efficient method for shutting down a large number of jails in parallel. - A simple configuration syntax. - SNMP monitoring facilities. It is designed to provide more flexible functionality than FreeBSD's own rc.d/jail script, and should provide a complete superset of features.
textproc/Search-VectorSpace-0.02 (Score: 1.1103157E-4)
Very basic vector-space search engine perl module
This module takes a list of documents (in English) and builds a simple in-memory search engine using a vector space model. Documents are stored as PDL objects, and after the initial indexing phase, the search should be very fast. This implementation applies a rudimentary stop list to filter out very common words, and uses a cosine measure to calculate document similarity. All documents above a user-configurable similarity threshold are returned.
astro/gpscorrelate-1.6.1 (Score: 1.0989275E-4)
Correlate digital camera photos with GPS data in GPX format
A tool to "stamp" photos taken with digital camera with a location, where they were taken. It uses the GPS coordinates saved in GPX format.
astro/Astro-Constants-0.1002 (Score: 1.0989275E-4)
Physical constants for use in astronomy
This module provides a large number of physical constants which are useful to astronomers. The module itself is essentially a wrapper around the ASTROCONST package of Jeremy Balin.
astro/ZConf-Weather-1.0.0 (Score: 1.0989275E-4)
ZConf module to assist with fetching/printing weather information
A ZConf based library to facilitate fetching weather information and dumping it or printing it via a template. zcweather - Fetches the weather for the specified location.
audio/cue2toc-0.1 (Score: 1.0989275E-4)
Perl script that converts CUE files into TOC files for cdrdao
Cue2Toc is a perl script that will convert CUE file into a cdrdao TOC file. The script can handle audio CUE files only.
audio/freepats-20060219 (Score: 1.0989275E-4)
Free and open set of instrument patches
Freepats is a project to create a free and open set of instrument patches, in any format, that can be used with softsynths.