Ports 搜索

multimedia/librtmp-0.3.0 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Python bindings for librtmp, built with cffi
python-librtmp is a Python interface to librtmp. It uses cffi to interface with the C library librtmp.
multimedia/multimedia-4.11.4 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, Multimedia module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework. This package provides the QtMultimedia module.
multimedia/phonon-4.11.4 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, Phonon module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework. This package provides the Phonon module.
multimedia/multimedia-5.5.1 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit, QtMultimedia module
PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt5 application framework. This package provides the QtMultimedia module.
multimedia/multimediawidgets-5.5.1 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit, QtMultimediaWidgets module
PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt5 application framework. This package provides the QtMultimedia module.
multimedia/pyjama- (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Frontend to the Jamendo music network
Pyjama is a frontend to the Jamendo network, providing free, legal and unlimited music published under Creative Commons license.
multimedia/recmpeg-1.0.5 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Simple video encoder
recmpeg is a simple video encoder, based on libfame, which compresses raw video sequences to MPEG video.
multimedia/syncplay-1.3.4 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Synchronize video playback over networks
Syncplay synchronizes the playback of media files across several remote machines. The Syncplay Client launches a media player on a user's computer, connects to a Syncplay server and join a virtual room on that server. Pauses, unpauses and seeks made within that media player instance are relayed to fellow viewers via the server to allow for these actions to be replicated by the media players of everyone else in the same virtual room.
net-im/profanity-0.5.0 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Console based XMPP client
Profanity is a console based XMPP client written in C using ncurses and libstrophe, inspired by Irssi
net-im/qt4-gui-1.8.2 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Qt plugin for licq
A qt gui plugin for the popular icq clone licq. LICENSE: GPL2 or later with execption to link with OpenSSL