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devel/git-2.9.2 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
GIT 是一个“目录内容管理器”,旨在高效地处理庞大的项目,Linux 内核 2.6.12 (及其之后) 的版本和其他一些越来越多的项目都切换为使用GIT来管理,说明它很能胜任这项工作。 GIT 属于分布式源代码管理工具分类,类似 GNU Arch 或 Monotone (或者在商业世界里的 BitKeeper )。每个 GIT 工作目录都是一个完整的库,包含了完整的修订版跟踪能力,而不依赖于通 过网络访问中央服务器。
devel/include-0.4.2 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Collection of the useful include files for embedded developers
Include package is a collection of the useful independent include files for embedded C/Assembler developers. Include package is released under BSD-style license.
devel/p4ftpd-2016.1.1387479 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perforce server
Perforce is a commercial revision control system that can be used gratis for developing free software. (see the WWW page for details).
devel/p4p-2016.1.1404799 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perforce server
Perforce is a commercial revision control system that can be used gratis for developing free software. (see the WWW page for details).
devel/p4web-2012.1.732581 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perforce server
Perforce is a commercial revision control system that can be used gratis for developing free software. (see the WWW page for details).
Implementation of an Object Dependency Algorithm
This modules is a re-implementation of Algorithm::Dependency using only objects instead of object ids, making use of Set::Object for book-keeping.
devel/Algorithm-MinMax-0.01 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perl modules to find the minimum and maximum of an array
Algorithm::MinMax finds the minimum and maximum of a given array with at most 3n/2 - 2 comparisons, where n is the number of elements of the array.
devel/App-Build-0.74 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Build and install Perl applications
App::Build is a module which extends Module::Build. It is used to install whole applications rather than merely perl modules.
devel/Async-Interrupt-1.21 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously
This module implements asynchronous notifications that enable you to signal running perl code from another thread, asynchronously, and sometimes even without using a single syscall.
devel/CPANPLUS-0.9160 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Ameliorated interface to the CPAN
The "CPANPLUS" library is an API to the "CPAN" mirrors and a collection of interactive shells, command line programs, daemons, etc, that use this API.