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textproc/saxon- (Score: 0.0031482372)
XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0 / XQuery 1.0 processor for Java
The Saxon-B 9.1 package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents. The main components are: - An XSLT 2.0 processor, that can be used from the command line, or invoked from a Java application by use of the standard JAXP API. Saxon can be integrated with Java applications using the JAXP API, which means it is possible for a Java application to switch between different XSLT processors without changing the application code. As well as conforming closely with the XSLT 2.0 specification, Saxon offers a number of powerful extensions. - An XPath 2.0 processor accessible via an API to Java applications. - An XQuery 1.0 processor that can be used from the command line, or invoked from a Java application by use of an API. - An XML Schema 1.0 processor. This can be used on its own to validate a schema for correctness, or to validate a source document against the definitions in a schema. It is also used to support the schema-aware functionality of the XSLT and XQuery processors. So you can use Saxon to process XML by writing XSLT stylesheets, by writing XQuery queries, by writing Java applications, or by combinations of the approaches.
math/superlu_mt-2.0.20080115 (Score: 0.0031340425)
Routines for performing multithreaded sparse factorization
SuperLU_MT (version 2.0) ======================== SuperLU_MT contains a set of subroutines to solve a sparse linear system A*X=B. It uses Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting (GEPP). The columns of A may be preordered before factorization; the preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization. SuperLU_MT is a parallel extension to the serial SuperLU library. SuperLU_MT is implemented in ANSI C, with multithreading extension, for example, using POSIX threads. Currently, only the LU factorization routine, which is the most time-consuming part of the solution process, is parallelized on machines with a shared address space. The other routines, such as column preordering and the forward and back substitutions are performed sequentially. This "alpha" release contains only double-precision real data type. Xiaoye S. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, xiaoye@nersc.gov James Demmel, Univ. of California Berkeley, demmel@cs.berkeley.edu John R. Gilbert, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, gilbert@parc.xerox.com NOTE: This library has to be linked with BLAS or a thread safe replacement.
www/firefox-showcase- (Score: 0.0031317046)
Easily locate and select any open browser window
Showcase is an extension thought to easily locate and select any open browser window in Firefox. You can use it in two ways: global mode (F12) or local mode (Shift + F12). In global mode, a new window will be opened with thumbnails of the browsers you've opened in all windows. In local mode, only tabbed browsers of your current window will be shown.
textproc/agrep-2.04 (Score: 0.0030838635)
Approximate grep (fast approximate pattern-matching tool)
Agrep is a tool for fast text searching allowing errors. The three most significant features of agrep that are not supported by the grep family are 1) the ability to search for approximate patterns; for example, "agrep -2 homogenos foo" will find homogeneous as well as any other word that can be obtained from homogenos with at most 2 substitutions, insertions, or deletions. "agrep -B homogenos foo" will generate a message of the form best match has 2 errors, there are 5 matches, output them? (y/n) 2) agrep is record oriented rather than just line oriented; a record is by default a line, but it can be user defined; for example, "agrep -d '^From ' 'pizza' mbox" outputs all mail messages that contain the keyword "pizza". Another example: "agrep -d '$$' pattern foo" will output all paragraphs (separated by an empty line) that contain pattern. 3) multiple patterns with AND (or OR) logic queries. For example, "agrep -d '^From ' 'burger,pizza' mbox" outputs all mail messages containing at least one of the two keywords (, stands for OR). "agrep -d '^From ' 'good;pizza' mbox" outputs all mail messages containing both keywords. LICENSE: no redistribution for profit
sysutils/pstacku-0.9.2 (Score: 0.0030193606)
Retrieve process stack traces
"pstack" is a workalike for the Solaris program of the same name. Running pstack on a process produces a stack trace of each thread in that process. It's useful for finding out what wedged processes are up to, getting profiles of applications, and just satisfying one's curiosity.
databases/pdo_cassandra-0.2.1 (Score: 0.0030028953)
PDO driver for Apache Cassandra
PDO driver for Apache Cassandra Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store. Cassandra brings together the distributed systems technologies from Dynamo and the data model from Google's BigTable. Like Dynamo, Cassandra is eventually consistent. Like BigTable, Cassandra provides a ColumnFamily-based data model richer than typical key/value systems.
textproc/wiggle-1.0 (Score: 0.0029943883)
Apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
The main function of wiggle is to apply a patch to a file in a similar manner to the patch(1) program. The distinctive difference of wiggle is that it will attempt to apply a patch even if the "before" part of the patch doesn't match the target file perfectly. This is achieved by breaking the file and patch into words and finding the best alignment of words in the file with words in the patch. Once this alignment has been found, any differences (word- wise) in the patch are applied to the file as best as possible. Also, wiggle will (in some cases) detect changes that have already been applied, and will ignore them. -- Neil Brown
databases/cql-1.4.0 (Score: 0.0029296335)
Python DB-API 2.0 client interface for Cassandra
Python DB-API 2.0 client interface for Cassandra
mail/muttils-1.3 (Score: 0.0029284519)
Python utilities for console mail clients (eg. mutt)
Python utilities for console mail clients like Mutt. sigpager: Offers an interactive selection of signatures. urlpager[*]: Searches for urls, and retrieves url selected by user. Urls include Message-IDs. urlbatcher[*]: Retrieve urls contained in input. pybrowser: Can be used as general browser call. Application to override platform default can be specified via -b option. viewhtmlmsg[*]: Display html message in browser. wrap: Word wrap text input. With support for messages (recognition of quote chars etc.). [*]needs raw message as input to work correctly. In Mutt, set pipe_decode=no in conjunction with pipe-message.
devel/picp-0.6.8 (Score: 0.0029008025)
Driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer
This is a FreeBSD port of picp, a command line driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer. It is compatible with a variety of PICs including the 16F84.