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Results 13,62113,630 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.011 seconds)
devel/Term-Query-2.0 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Interactive question-response user interface module
Excerpted from the README file: Term::Query.pm is a Perl 5 module, which performs generalized queries on various kinds of values. Validation and normalization of input, based on the type, is automated, as is error reporting and re-solicitation of input. Input of '?', unless configured otherwise, provides useful, helpful information, based on the expected input type, even in the absence of a programmer-supplied help string.
devel/Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.34 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Allow Term::ReadLine to use GNU readline
Perl 5 ships with a module called Term::ReadLine which is an interface to command line editing and recall. The version that ships with Perl is only a stub, and offers little functionality. This module supplements Term::ReadLine so that it uses GNU readline, which comes with FreeBSD. Applications that use Term::ReadLine do not need to be modified to gain the benefits of this package; it will happen transparently upon installation.
devel/Test-Assertions-1.054 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Simple set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing
Test::Assertions provides a convenient set of tools for constructing tests, such as unit tests or run-time assertion checks (like C's ASSERT macro). Unlike some of the Test:: modules available on CPAN, Test::Assertions is not limited to unit test scripts; for example it can be used to check output is as expected within a benchmarking script. When it is used for unit tests, it generates output in the standard form for CPAN unit testing (under Test::Harness).
devel/Test-Fixme-0.16 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Check code for FIXMEs
When coding it is common to come up against problems that need to be addressed but that are not a big deal at the moment. What generally happens is that the coder adds comments like: # FIXME - what about windows that are bigger than the screen? # FIXME - add checking of user priviledges here. Test::Fixme allows you to add a test file that ensures that none of these get forgotten in the module.
devel/Test-NoWarnings-1.04 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Hide and store warnings while running test scripts
This modules causes any warnings produced by test scripts to be captured and stored. It automatically adds an extra test that will run when your script ends to check that there were no warnings. If there were any warnings, the test will give a "not ok" and diagnostics of where, when and what the warning was, including a stack trace of what was going on when the it occurred.
devel/Test-Output-1.03 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
Test::Output provides a simple interface for testing output sent to STDOUT or STDERR. A number of different utilities are included to try and be as flexible as possible to the tester. Originally this module was designed not to have external requirements, however, the features provided by Sub::Exporter over what Exporter provides is just to great to pass up. Test::Output ties STDOUT and STDERR using Test::Output::Tie.
devel/Time-Local-1.23.00 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
These routines are the inverse of built-in perl functions localtime() and gmtime(). They accept a date as a six-element array, and return the corresponding time(2) value in seconds since the system epoch (Midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC on Unix, for example). This value can be positive or negative, though POSIX only requires support for positive values, so dates before the system's epoch may not work on all operating systems.
devel/accessors-fast-0.03 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Wrap fastest Class::Accessor::* into pragma
This module was created as an alternative to use fields, and uses Class::Accessor::Fast as a base Creates accessors at compiletime Have own default new method: it creates object as a blessed hash, then locks keys to defined field list, and invoke init. So, recommended usage inside packages, is access by hash keys (it's 3 times faster then accessor). Since keys are locked, you will not suffer from autovivification. Public interface recommended to be documented as accessors. Uses Class::C3
devel/namespace-sweep-0.006 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Sweep up imported subs in your classes
Because Perl methods are just regular subroutines, it's difficult to tell what's a method and what's just an imported function. As a result, imported functions can be called as methods on your objects. This pragma will delete imported functions from your class's symbol table, thereby ensuring that your interface is as you specified it. However, code inside your module will still be able to use the imported functions without any problems.
devel/reaper-1.00 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Perl module for reaping child processes via $SIG{CHLD}
The reaper module provides a $SIG{CHLD} handler that can be installed globally as well as locally. It also supports chaining of signal handlers, meaning it will not just replace an existing $SIG{CHLD} handler. It still requires applications to do the right thing in using this module and not installing their own versions. At least it provides a consistent implementation that can be shared between various modules.