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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第5,2415,250项(搜索用时0.008秒)
irc/onis-0.8.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Script that converts IRC logfiles into an HTML statistics page
Onis is a perl script that converts IRC logfiles into an HTML statistics page. It provides information about daily channel usage and user activity. It does support a lot of log file formats like Xchat, eggdrop, irssi and many more.
irc/znc-1.6.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Advanced IRC bouncer
ZNC is an advanced IRC bouncer with features that include support for multiple users, playback buffers, DCC bouncing, SASL authentication and SSL encryption. It can be extended with dynamically loaded modules written in C++ or Perl.
irc/pisg-0.73 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Perl IRC Statistics Generator
This is a port of pisg, a perl script that analyses IRC logs of various formats and produces an html page of statistics. Its homepage is at:
irc/psybnc- (Score: 0.0012383816)
Powerful IRC bouncer
psyBNC is an extremely powerful IRC bouncer. Features include: . It stays connected when you disconnect . It allows Full Online Administration . It allows you to set Users who could get op from psyBNC . It supports full logging of Messages and traffic . It supports linking to other psyBNCs + PartyLine . It allows multiple connections of one Client to different irc-servers . It has a translation module - english to italian,english to german,english to portugese,english to french, french to english,german to english,portugese to english,french to english . Modular . IPv6 Support . Much more (see README in package)
irc/dxirc-1.10.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Simple IRC client written using the FOX toolkit
dxirc is a simple IRC client for various os (Linux, *BSD, Windows), written using the FOX toolkit.
irc/hexchat-2.12.1 (Score: 0.0012383816)
IRC chat program with GTK and Text Frontend
HexChat is an IRC chat program. It allows you to join multiple IRC channels (chat rooms) at the same time, talk publicly, private one-on-one conversations etc. HexChat is based on XChat, but unlike XChat it's completely free for both Windows and Unix-like systems. Since XChat is Open Source, it's perfectly legal.
irc/supybot-plugins-20060723 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Official plugin pack for Supybot
This is plugin pack for Supybot, IRC robot. These plugins allows Supybot to search Freshmeat, Sourceforge, Debian, Weather, Ebay doing channel polls and more.
irc/supybot- (Score: 0.0012383816)
Supybot - A Superb Python IRC bot
Supybot is an IRC bot written in Python; its goals are primarily clarity, utility, and flexibility. It comes with an extensive collection of plugins to do most tasks people might want a bot to do, and then some; plus a easy framework to create your own plugins.
irc/ratbox-services-1.2.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Highly configurable services package for use with ircd-ratbox
ratbox-services is a services package written mostly from scratch for use with ircd-ratbox. It is highly configurable, with nearly all options being set in a config that can be rehashed rather than set at compile time. As well as supporting standard database backends like PostgreSQL, its default is to use the SQLite database backend, which works as a database interface to a normal file, meaning no separate database software must be running. Features: - User, nick and channel services - Jupe service - Global message service - Oper services - Watcher services - Opered bot - List service - Memo service
irc/rbot-20150311 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Ruby IRC bot similar to infobot
rbot is a ruby IRC bot. Think of him as a ruby infobot, with more and different features, and a nicer plugin scheme. His main features include: * Runtime configuration via irc chat * User authentication and access levels for using different bot features * Built in infobot-style keywords. See example session below. * Support for underlying fact database (infobot fact files), which can be overridden or supplemented by runtime keyword controls * Powerful plugin architecture, comes with plugins for many functions. * Multi-language support - comes with english definition only so far - translations welcome