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Results 801810 of 1,385 for /security/.(0.003 seconds)
Perl extension for generating pronounceable passwords
Text::Password::Pronounceable - Generate pronounceable passwords This module generates pronuceable passwords, based the English digraphs by D Edwards.
security/Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24 (Score: 0.08339406)
Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields
Tie::EncryptedHash augments Perl hash semantics to build secure, encrypting containers of data. Tie::EncryptedHash introduces special hash fields that are coupled with encrypt/decrypt routines to encrypt assignments at STORE() and decrypt retrievals at FETCH(). By design, encrypting fields are associated with keys that begin in single underscore. The remaining keyspace is used for accessing normal hash fields, which are retained without modification. While the password is set, a Tie::EncryptedHash behaves exactly like a standard Perl hash. This is its transparent mode of access. Encrypting and normal fields are identical in this mode. When password is deleted, encrypting fields are accessible only as ciphertext. This is Tie::EncryptedHash's opaque mode of access, optimized for serialization.
security/Tree-Authz-0.03 (Score: 0.08339406)
Role-Based Access Control authorization scheme
Class for inheritable, role-based permissions system (Role Based Access Control - RBAC). Custom methods can be placed on role objects. Authorization can be performed either by checking whether the role name matches the required name, or by testing (via can) whether the role can perform the method required. Two role are specified by default. At the top, superusers can do anything ($superuser->can( $action ) always returns a coderef). At the bottom, the base role can do nothing ($base->can( $action ) always returns undef). All roles are automatically capable of authorizing actions named for the singular and plural of the role name.
security/Unix-Passwd-File-0.22 (Score: 0.08339406)
Manipulate passwd and group entries
Unix::Passwd::File can be used to read and manipulate entries in Unix system password files (/etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/group, /etc/gshadow) but can also be told to search in custom location, for testing purposes). This module uses a procedural (non-OO) interface. Each function in this module open and read the passwd files once. Read-only functions like `list_users()` and `get_max_gid()` open in read-only mode. Functions that might write to the files like `add_user()` or `delete_group()` first lock `passwd.lock` file, open in read+write mode and also read the files in the first pass, then seek to the beginning and write back the files. No caching is done so you should do your own if you need to.
security/Yahoo-BBAuth-0.50 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl interface to the Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication
This module provides an Object Oriented interface for Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication. This module is ported from the official PHP class which is located on this page: http://developer.yahoo.com/php
security/Horde_Oauth-1.0.2 (Score: 0.08339406)
Horde OAuth client/server
This Horde package provides an OAuth consumer (http://oauth.net) and OAuth infrastruture, and in the future will provide an OAuth server.
security/dicewaregen-1.3 (Score: 0.08339406)
Simple perl script to generate Diceware dictionaries for passwords
Dicewaregen is simple perl script that generated Diceware dictionaries, that can be used to create secure passwords. Dicewaregen relies on aspell, to make wordlist. Once you have wordlist you can create Diceware dictionary. You can make few dictionaries using different languages, merge them and then make Diceware dictionary. More info about Diceware: http://world.std.com/~reinhold/diceware.html
security/pam-modules-2.0 (Score: 0.08339406)
Collection of modules for PAM
PAM-modules is a collection of useful PAM modules and command line utilities for checking PAM authentication and other management groups.
security/pam-pgsql- (Score: 0.08339406)
PAM module for authenticating with PostgreSQL
This is a PAM module for authenticating with PostgreSQL. It also supports: - Checking account information (pam_acct_expired,new_authtok_reqd) - Updating auth token
security/pam_fprint-20080330 (Score: 0.08339406)
PAM module offering finger print authentication using libfprint
pam_fprint is a simple PAM module which uses libfprint's fingerprint processing and verification functionality for authentication. In other words, instead of seeing a password prompt, you're asked to scan your fingerprint.