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math/goblin-2.8.b30 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Graph Object Library for Network Programming Problems
GOBLIN is a C++ class library focussed on graph optimization and network programming problems. It deals with all of the standard graph optimization problems discussed by textbooks and in courses on combinatorial optimization. Today, GOBLIN provides strongly polynomial algorithms for the following graph optimization problems: - Shortest paths in graphs and digraphs with negative lengths. - Negative cycles and minimum mean cycles. - Strong and 2-connected components. - Minimum spanning trees, arborescences and 1-trees. - Maximum st-flows, feasible circulations and b-flows. - Min-cost st-flows, b-flows and circulations. - Assignment problems of any kind. - 1-matchings, b-matchings, capacitated b-matchings, f-factors and degree-constrained subgraphs. - Directed and undirected Chinese postman problems, T-joins. The library also includes methods for NP-hard problems, namely TSP, ATSP, stable sets and graph colouring.
math/fityk-1.3.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Free peak fitting software
Fityk is a program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to data (usually experimental data). There are also people using it only to display data or to remove baseline from data. It is reported to be used in crystallography, chromatography, photoluminescence, infrared and Raman spectroscopy and other fields. Fityk knows about common peak-shaped functions (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, Pearson VII, bifurcated Gaussian, EMG, Doniach-Sunjic, etc.) and polynomials. It also supports user-defined functions. Fityk offers intuitive graphical interface (and also command line interface), variouse optimization methods (standard Marquardt least-square algorithm, Genetic Algorithms, Nelder-Mead simplex), equality constraints, modelling error of x coordinate of points (eg. zero-shift of instrument), handling series of datasets, automation of common tasks with scripts, and more.
math/mpexpr-1.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Multiple precision math for Tcl
Mpexpr adds two new commands to Tcl, 'mpexpr' and 'mpformat'. Mpexpr works much like Tcl's native 'expr', but does all calculations using an arbitrary precision math package. Mpexpr numbers can be any number of digits, with any decimal precision. Final precision is controlled by a Tcl variable 'mp_precision', which can be any reasonable integer, limiting only the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Mpformat works much like Tcl's 'format', except it formats multiple precision numbers in a variety of formats. Mpexpr also includes most math functions provided by 'expr', as well as several new functions. Mpexpr also supports Tcl variables and nested evaluation, just like 'expr':
math/GiNaC-1.7.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
C++ library for symbolic mathematical calculations
GiNaC is an iterated and recursive acronym for GiNaC is Not a CAS, where CAS stands for Computer Algebra System. It is designed to allow the creation of integrated systems that embed symbolic manipulations together with more established areas of computer science (like computation-intense numeric applications, graphical interfaces, etc.) under one roof.
math/grpn-1.1.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
GTK+-based reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
GRPN is a RPN calculator for the X Window system built using the GIMP Toolkit (GTK). GRPN works with real numbers, complex numbers, matrices, and complex matrices. Numbers can be displayed in 4 different radix modes, and complex numbers can be displayed in either Cartesian or polar form.
math/PDL-2.015 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Perl Data Language
PDL (``Perl Data Language'') gives standard perl the ability to COMPACTLY store and SPEEDILY manipulate the large N-dimensional data arrays which are the bread and butter of scientific computing. The idea is to turn perl in to a free, array-oriented, numerical language in the same sense as commerical packages like IDL and MatLab. One can write simple perl expressions to manipulate entire numerical arrays all at once. For example, using PDL the perl variable $a can hold a 1024x1024 floating point image, it only takes 4Mb of memory to store it and expressions like $a=sqrt($a)+2 would manipulate the whole image in a few seconds. A simple interactive shell (perldl) is provided for command line use together with a module (PDL) for use in perl scripts.
math/FreeMat-4.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Numerical computing environment
FreeMat is a free environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but is Open Source.
math/geonext-1.74 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
The dynamic mathematics software Geonext establishes new ways of teaching and learning mathematics. It offers opportunities of visualisation that can't be realised on paper or blackboard and with traditional construction tools. Geonext enables autonomous and cooperative learning of mathematics in the classroom. It encourages an active discovering approach to mathematical thinking. Geonext can be used at school and at home for free (GPL). Therefore the software can be handed out to students without any copyright problems (GPL). Geonext can be used from elementary school up to calculus at high school and in teacher-training at university in a manifold and flexible way. -Andreas Fehlner fehlner@gmx.de
math/ggobi-2.1.11 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Data visualization system
GGobi is an open source visualization program for exploring high-dimensional data. It provides highly dynamic and interactive graphics such as tours, as well as familiar graphics such as the scatterplot, barchart and parallel coordinates plots. Plots are interactive and linked with brushing and identification.
math/jeuclid-3.1.9 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Java based MathML rendering solution
JEuclid is a complete MathML rendering solution, consisting of: a MathViewer application, command line converters from MathML to other formats, an ant task for autmated conversion, display components for AWT and Swing and a component for Apache Cocoon.