Ports 搜索

databases/Cache-BDB-0.04 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Object caching wrapper around BerkeleyDB
This module implements a caching layer around BerkeleyDB for object persistence. It implements the basic methods necessary to add, retrieve, and remove objects. The main advantage over other caching modules is performance. I've attempted to stick with a Cache::Cache-like interface as much as possible, though it may differ here and there.
databases/Class-DBI-LazyInflate-0.06 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Defer inflating of columns until they are used
Class::DBI::LazyInflate is a utility class that allows you to create DBI columns that only inflate to an object when it is required. When a row is fetched, columns specified via has_lazy() is wrapped by Data::Lazy, such that it is inflated only when the column is actually used.
databases/Class-DBI-SAK-1.4 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Class::DBI Swiss Army Knife (SAK)
By taking the busy work out of using Class::DBI as you see fit, your code becomes more useful by size. Most of us end up using at least a couple Class::DBI extensions in our programs, and it's just a pain. Enter the Swiss Army Knife.
databases/DBD-Mock-1.45 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Simple mock DBD implementation used for testing
The DBD::Mock perl module is a simple mock DBD implementation used for testing. It's entirely self-contained so that you can extract the single library file (DBD/Mock.pm), put it in your own distribution and be able to run DBI-based tests even though you don't have information about a database.
databases/DBD-PgPP-0.08 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI
DBD::PgPP is a Pure Perl client interface for the PostgreSQL database. It implements the PostgreSQL client/server network protocol and doesn't need an external PostgreSQL client library like "libpq" for it to work. Consequently, it allows one to connect to a PostgreSQL server from operating systems to which PostgreSQL has not been ported.
Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based DateTime objects
This module automatically inflates/deflates DateTime objects corresponding to applicable columns. Columns may also be defined to specify their nature, such as columns representing a creation time (set at time of insertion) or a modification time (set at time of every update).
Credential Management for DBIx::Class
DBIx::Class::Schema::Config is a subclass of DBIx::Class::Schema that allows the loading of credentials from a file. The actual code itself would only need to know about the name used in the configuration file. This aims to make it simpler for operations teams to manage database credentials.
databases/DR-Tarantool-0.44 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Perl driver for Tarantool
This module provides a synchronous and asynchronous driver for Tarantool. The driver does not have external dependencies, but includes the official light-weight Tarantool C client (a single C header which implements all protocol formatting) for packing requests and unpacking server responses.
databases/Net-Async-CassandraCQL-0.11 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Use Cassandra databases with IO::Async using CQL
This module allows use of the CQL3 interface of a Cassandra database. It fully supports asynchronous operation via IO::Async, allowing both direct queries and prepared statements to be managed concurrently, if required. Alternatively, as the interface is entirely based on Future objects, it can be operated synchronously in a blocking fashion by simply awaiting each individual operation by calling the get method.
databases/Tie-LevelDB-0.07 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Perl Interface to the Google LevelDB NoSQL database
Tie::LevelDB is the Perl Interface for Google NoSQL database called LevelDB. See http://code.google.com/p/leveldb/ for more details. Interface is implemented both as a reflection of an original LevelDB C++ API and a Perl-ish TIEHASH mechanism.