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cad/stepcode-0.8 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Generates C++ and Python from ISO10303 files
In April/May 2012, STEP Class Library was renamed to STEPcode. This was done because the old name wasn't accurate - the class libraries are only a fraction of the software. The STEP Class Library (SCL) originated at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST. NIST started working with STEP in the 80's and continued until the late 90's. Some components of SCL were originally written in Lisp and then re-written in mixed C and C++ in the early 90's. The rest of SCL was written in C++ to begin with. STEPcode (SC) includes the class libraries, some of the most widely used EXPRESS schemas, some tools to work with EXPRESS, and support libraries for those tools. Two of the tools can create schema-specific libraries that are used with the class libraries. There are also some test files and programs.
databases/DB-1.9.2 (Score: 0.0031188247)
PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
PEAR::DB is a database abstraction layer providing: * an OO-style query API * portability features that make programs written for one DBMS work with other DBMS's * a DSN (data source name) format for specifying database servers * prepare/execute (bind) emulation for databases that don't support it natively * a result object for each query response * portable error codes * sequence emulation * sequential and non-sequential row fetching as well as bulk fetching * formats fetched rows as associative arrays, ordered arrays or objects * row limit support * transactions support * table information interface * DocBook and phpDocumentor API documentation Drivers for the following extensions pass the complete test suite and provide interchangeability when all of DB's portability options are enabled: fbsql, ibase, informix, msql, mssql, mysql, mysqli, oci8, odbc, pgsql, sqlite and sybase.
devel/dotconf-1.3 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Simple, powerful configuration-file parser
dot.conf is a simple configuration-file parser library written in C. The configuration files created for dot.conf look very similar to those used by the Apache Webserver. Even Container-Directives known from httpd.conf can easily be used in the exact same manner as for Apache-Modules. It supports various types of arguments, dynamically loadable modules that create their own configuration options on-the-fly, a here-documents feature to pass very long ARG_STR data to your app, ${NAME:-default} style environment variable substitution for arguments, and on-the-fly inclusion of additional config files. Some behaviour can be toggled with flags at runtime. To keep dotconf from printing out warnings, you can install your own customized error handler.
devel/darcs-2.10.1 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Darcs is a free, open source revision control system. It is: * Distributed: Every user has access to the full command set, removing boundaries between server and client or committer and non-committers. * Interactive: Darcs is easy to learn and efficient to use because it asks you questions in response to simple commands, giving you choices in your work flow. You can choose to record one change in a file, while ignoring another. As you update from upstream, you can review each patch name, even the full "diff" for interesting patches. * Smart: Originally developed by physicist David Roundy, darcs is based on a unique algebra of patches. This smartness lets you respond to changing demands in ways that would otherwise not be possible. Learn more about spontaneous branches with darcs.
devel/libdict-0.2.1 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Library providing access to ``dictionary'' data structures
Libdict is a compact, ANSI C library which provides access to a set of generic and flexible ``dictionary'' data structures. All algorithms used in libdict have been optimized, and, with one very small exception, are not recursive but iterative. It was written by Farooq Mela, and is released under a BSD style licence. Libdict implements the following data structures: AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree, Splay Tree, Treap, Weight-balanced tree, Path-reduction tree, Hashtable (Chained). These structures can be used to efficiently store and retrieve key-data pairs. Each of these structures can be accessed using its direct API, or it can be accessed using a dictionary abstraction. Despite it's name, libdict can be used to store any kind of data and any kind of key (provided it fits into a 'void' pointer on your system).
devel/libtecla-1.6.3 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Interactive command line editing facilities
The tecla library provides UNIX and LINUX programs with interactive command line editing facilities, similar to those of the Unix tcsh shell. In addition to simple command-line editing, it supports recall of previously entered command lines, TAB completion of file names or other tokens, and in-line wild-card expansion of file names. The internal functions which perform file-name completion and wild-card expansion are also available externally for optional use by programs, along with a module for tab-completion and lookup of file names in a list of directories. Note that special care has been taken to allow the use of this library in threaded programs. The option to enable this is discussed in the Makefile, and specific discussions of thread safety are presented in the included man pages.
devel/Data-Dumper-Simple-0.11 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Easily dump variables with names
This module allow the user to dump variables in a Data::Dumper format. Unlike the default behavior of Data::Dumper, the variables are named (instead of $VAR1, $VAR2, etc.) Data::Dumper provides an extended interface that allows the programmer to name the variables, but this interface requires a lot of typing and is prone to tyops (sic). This module fixes that. Data::Dumper::Simple is actually a source filter that replaces all instances of Dumper($some, @args) in your code with a call to Data::Dumper->Dump(). You can use the one function provided to make dumping variables for debugging a trivial task. Note that this is primarily a debugging tool. Data::Dumper offers a bit more than that, so don't expect this module to be more than it is.
devel/Data-ShowTable-4.6 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
ShowTable.pm, is a Perl 5 module which defines subroutines to print arrays of data in a nicely formatted listing, using one of four possible formats: simple table, boxed table, list style, and HTML-formatting (for World-Wide-Web output). See the documentation on ShowTable.pm for details on the formatting. The program "showtable" reads data in a variety of formats from a file or STDIN, optimally columnizes the data, and then feeds the array of data to the ShowTable module for display. Showtable can parse its own output as input (except for HTML). Individual or ranges of columns may be selected for display, either by name or by index. In other words, showtable is a data formatting program. Using the '-html' option, showtable can accept ASCII tabular data and format it appropriately for display through a Web-browser.
devel/DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.06 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
DateTime::Format::Oracle may be used to convert Oracle date and timestamp values into DateTime objects. It also can take a DateTime object and produce a date string matching the NLS_DATE_FORMAT. Oracle has flexible date formatting via its NLS_DATE_FORMAT session variable. Date values will be returned from Oracle according to the current value of that variable. Date values going into Oracle must also match the current setting of NLS_DATE_FORMAT. Timestamp values will match either the NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT or NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT session variables. This module keeps track of these Oracle session variable values by examining environment variables of the same name. Each time one of Oracle's formatting session variables is updated, the %ENV hash must also be updated.
devel/File-HStore-0.10 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Store files on a filesystem using a simple hash-based storage
File-HStore is a very minimalist perl library to store files on a filesystem using a very simple hash-based storage. File-HStore is nothing more than a simple wrapper interface to a storage containing a specific directory structure where files are hold based on their hashes. The name of the directories is based on the first two bytes of the hexadecimal form of the digest. The file is stored and named with its full hexadecimal form in the corresponding prefixed directory. The current version is supporting the SHA-1 and SHA-2 (256 bits) algorithm. The FAT (Free Archive Toolkit) format is also supported and it is composed of the date of submission plus the SHA-2 real digest part.