Ports Search

Results 10,73110,740 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.011 seconds)
www/pQuery-0.23 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Perl Port of jQuery.js
pQuery is a pragmatic attempt to port the jQuery JavaScript framework to Perl. It is pragmatic in the sense that it switches certain JavaScript idioms for Perl ones, in order to make the use of it concise. A primary goal of jQuery is to "Find things and do things, concisely". pQuery has the same goal.
www/Services_W3C_CSSValidator-0.2.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
PHP interface to W3C CSS Validator API
This package provides an object oriented interface to the API of the W3 CSS Validator application (http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/). With this package you can connect to a running instance of the validator and retrieve the validation results (true|false) as well as the errors and warnings for a style sheet.
www/Services_W3C_HTMLValidator-1.0.0 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Object Oriented Interface to the W3C HTML Validator service
This package provides an object oriented interface to the API of the W3 HTML Validator application (http://validator.w3.org/). With this package you can connect to a running instance of the validator and retrieve the validation results (true|false) as well as the errors and warnings for a web page.
www/django-overextends-0.4.2 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Django reusable app enabling circular template inheritance
A Django reusable app providing the overextends template tag, a drop-in replacement for Django's extends tag, which allows you to use circular template inheritance. The primary use-case for overextends is to simultaneously override and extend templates from other reusable apps, in your own Django project.
www/phpbb-2.0.23 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
From the website: phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin board package. phpBB has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ. Based on the powerful PHP server language and your choice of MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers, phpBB is the ideal free community solution for all web sites.
www/caldav-0.4.0 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
CalDAV (RFC4791) client library
CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python. Calendaring extensions to WebDAV, or CalDAV, is an Internet standard allowing a client to access scheduling information on a remote server. It extends WebDAV (HTTP-based protocol for data manipulation) specification and uses iCalendar format for the data.
www/pound-2.7 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTP(S) frontend for web servers
The Pound program is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Pound was developed to enable distributing load among several Web-servers, and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively. Pound is distributed under the GPL -- no warranty, it's free to use, copy and give away.
www/cactus-3.0.2 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Static site generator for designers
Cactus is a simple but powerful static website generator using Python and the Django template system. Cactus also makes it easy to develop locally and deploy your site to S3 directly. It works great for company, portfolio, personal, support websites and blogs. To get a quick overview watch this short video tutorial: https://vimeo.com/46999791
www/plugger-5.1.5 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Multimedia front-end plugin for Mozilla or Opera
Plugger is a multimedia plugin for Unix Netscape 3.0 or later that handles Quicktime, MPEG, MP2, AVI, SGI-movie, Tiff, DL, IFF-anim, MIDI, Soundtracker, AU, WAV and Commodore 64 audio files. Since Plugger 3.0, MPEG audio and video can be streamed. Plugger is a very small plugin, because plugger uses external programs to show/play the different formats.
www/django-contrib-comments-1.6.1 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Code formerly known as django.contrib.comments
Django used to include a comments framework; since Django 1.6 it's been separated to a separate project. This is that project. This framework can be used to attach comments to any model, so you can use it for comments on blog entries, photos, book chapters, or anything else.