Ports 搜索

security/twofish-0.7 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Twofish cryptographic module for Python
A pure python implementation of the Rijndael encryption algorithm. Useful for quick string encryption in python programs but probably is not fast enough for anything too big.
security/Text_Password-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR random password creator
The PEAR Text_Password package allows one to create pronounceable and unpronounceable passwords.
security/gnupg-1.3.6 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PECL wrapper around the gpgme library
This extension provides methods to PHP interact with gnupg.
security/libsodium-1.0.6 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PHP wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
A simple, low-level PHP extension for libsodium.
security/pam-1.0.3 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PECL classes for PAM integration
pecl-pam provides PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) integration. PAM is a system of libraries that handle the authentication tasks of applications and services. The library provides a stable API for applications to defer to for authentication tasks.
security/sancp-1.6.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Network connection profiler
Sancp is a network security tool designed to collect statistical information regarding network traffic, as well as, collect the traffic itself in pcap format, all for the purpose of: auditing, historical analysis, and network activity discovery. Rules can be used to distinguish normal from abnormal traffic and support tagging connections with: rule id, node id, and status id. From an intrusion detection standpoint, every connection is an event that must be validated through some means. Sancp uses rules to identify, record, and tag traffic of interest. 'Tagging' a connection is a new feature since v1.4.0 Connections ('stats') can be loaded into a database for further analysis.
security/tclsasl-1.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Tcl interface to the Cyrus SASLv2 library
Tcl SASL provides a Tcl interface to the Cyrus SASLv2 library.
security/vnccrack-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Fast offline password cracker for VNC passwords
VNCcrack is a fast offline password cracker for VNC passwords. By sniffing a VNC challenge-response sequence off the network (typically when VNC is used without a decent cryptographic wrapper like SSH or SSL), you can recover the password fairly easily and quickly by letting VNCcrack pound on it.
shells/heirloom-sh-050706 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Portable version of OpenSolaris' Bourne Shell
Heirloom-sh is a portable version of OpenSolaris' #!/bin/sh. If one need to write portable shell scripts, this one is excellent for testing them. It is installed as jsh (job shell). Other OpenSolaris user land tools are available in sysutils/heirloom
shells/PHP_Shell-0.3.2 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Interactive PHP Shell
a interactive PHP Shell with tab-completion, inline help and handling of FATAL errors