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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第561570项(搜索用时0.006秒)
www/webalizer-2.23.8 (Score: 0.028713087)
Web server log file analysis program
What is The Webalizer? ---------------------- A fast, free web server log file analysis program. Produces HTML output for viewing with a web browser. Written in C on a Linux platform, however designed to be as ANSI/POSIX compliant as possible so porting to other UNIX platforms should be painless. Binary distributions for most popular platforms are available. Features multiple language support, incremental processing capabilities, reverse DNS lookup support, export via tab separated ascii files to popular databases and spreadsheets, and much more. Supports standard CLF and combined logs, as well as wu-ftpd xferlog and squid proxy logs, which can be either in standard text format or gzip compressed. Keywords: Web Analysis, Log Analysis, Usage Statistics, Linux, Unix
www/hyper-0.5.0 (Score: 0.028662868)
HTTP/2 Client for Python
HTTP is changing under our feet. HTTP/1.1, our old friend, is being supplemented by the brand new HTTP/2 standard. HTTP/2 provides many benefits: improved speed, lower bandwidth usage, better connection management, and more. hyper supports the final draft of the HTTP/2 specification: additionally, it provides support for drafts 14, 15, and 16 of the HTTP/2 specification. It also supports the final draft of the HPACK specification
www/ftasv-0.9.2 (Score: 0.028620707)
Is a commandline scoreboard viewer for the Apache server
Apache's status module is an easy way to get information about what your webserver is doing - at any time, except when you need that information. Because this information is normally gathered via the server-status page, it will be unavailable when the webserver is not responding. The system administrator can restart the daemon and hope to get a glimpse of the server-status page, a tiny clue about what is causing the trouble, before the server gets overloaded again. This project aims at helping the system administrator get his information in crisis situations.
net/coda-6.9.4 (Score: 0.02859683)
Server programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
Coda is a distributed file system. Among its features are disconnected operation, good security model, server replication and persistent client side caching. This package builds the entire source tree but only installs(/packages) the server side programs. For more info, contact information available below. EMAIL: coda@cs.cmu.edu
www/Fliggy-0.009003 (Score: 0.02859683)
Perl extension for Fliggy: Twiggy with inlined flash policy server
Fliggy inherits Twiggy and adds support for inlined Flash Policy server (useful for Plack::Middleware::SocketIO or Flash WebSocket fallback). No need to run Flash Policy server as root on 843 port! Usage is exactly the same as Twiggy, whenever you run twiggy command, replace it with fliggy and you're ready to go.
www/Plack-Middleware-Header-0.04 (Score: 0.028485265)
Perl extension to modify HTTP response headers
Modify HTTP response headers.
net/aget-0.4.1 (Score: 0.028455034)
Multithreaded HTTP download accelerator
Aget is a multithreaded HTTP download accelerator. Pointed on the Win32 Project Flashget.
net/tac_plus-F4.0.4.28 (Score: 0.028430395)
Cisco remote authentication/authorization/accounting server
A TACACS+ server that allows authorization and authentication via net on remote access servers: Authenticate users, authorize commands and log accounting information. Version 4 has improved features and bugfixes over the older 2.x versions. Improved features among others and bugfixes: Microsoft CHAP support. To enable MSCHAP you need to optain a key from Microsoft, see the FAQ section in the users guide. Therefore this isn't enabled by default. Cisco, the original developers, have stopped tac_plus development around F4.0.4. There are different versions based on Cisco tac_plus, this is the version from Shrubbery Networks.
www/feedonfeeds-0.5 (Score: 0.02837659)
Server side personal RSS (and Atom) aggregator
Desktop aggregators are great. They sit there all day, pinging away at sites, and as soon as they notice something new, they pop up little windows on your desktop, and let you read items. But what about when you go home from work? Or what about when you are on a trip? You get totally out of sync, and don't know what you've read and haven't read. You are enraged. Feed on Feeds A server side aggregator solves this. It keeps track of what items you've read, and keeps happily checking up on your feeds no matter where you are. Whenever you want to see what's new, you just bring up a web page and scan the newest items. You can mark the items as read so they won't be shown again. Or, you can just always show the most recent N items, like the way LiveJournal's friends pages work. Also, having the aggregator in your browser eliminates the "impedance mismatch" that sometimes occurs between a desktop aggregator and your browser. All your native browsing methods work on a FEED ON FEEDS page. Open pages in new tabs, bookmark them for later, browse whatever way you like.
audio/ventrilo-3.0.3 (Score: 0.028367242)
Server side of the Ventrilo group voice chat system
The server for Ventrilo is a voice chat program which supports multiple channels with different rate codecs and several people on each channel. Primarily aimed at team gamers but can be used as an IP phone as well.