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Results 2,6012,610 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.007 seconds)
textproc/Pod-WSDL-0.061 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Create WSDL documents from (extended) pod
How does Pod::WSDL work? If you instantiate a Pod::WSDL object with the name of the module (or the path of the file, or an open filehandle) providing the web service like this my $pwsdl = new Pod::WSDL(source => 'My::Module', location => 'http://my.services.location/on/the/web'); Pod::WSDL will try to find "My::Module" in @INC, open the file, parse it for WSDL directives and prepare the information for WSDL output. By calling $pwsdl->WSDL; Pod::WSDL will output the WSDL document. That's it.
textproc/Text-Flowed-0.14 (Score: 0.0030835927)
RFC2646 format=flowed
This module provides functions that deals with formatting data with Content-Type 'text/plain; format=flowed' as described in RFC2646 (http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2646.txt). In a nutshell, format=flowed text solves the problem in plain text files where it is not known which lines can be considered a logical paragraph, enabling lines to be automatically flowed (wrapped and/or joined) as appropriate when displaying. In format=flowed, a soft newline is expressed as " \n", while hard newlines are expressed as "\n". Soft newlines can be automatically deleted or inserted as appropriate when the text is reformatted.
textproc/Text-MultiMarkdown-1.000035 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
Markdown is a text-to-HTML filter; it translates an easy-to-read and easy-to-write structured text format into HTML. Markdown's text format is most similar to that of plain text email, and supports features such as headers, *emphasis*, code blocks, blockquotes, and links. Markdown's syntax is designed not as a generic markup language, but specifically to serve as a front-end to (X)HTML. You can use span-level HTML tags anywhere in a Markdown document, and you can use block level HTML tags (like <div> and <table> as well). Text::MultiMarkdown implements the MultiMarkdown markdown syntax extensions from: http://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/
textproc/XML-DifferenceMarkup-1.05 (Score: 0.0030835927)
This module implements an XML diff producing XML output
This module implements an XML diff producing XML output. Both input and output are DOM documents, as implemented by XML::LibXML. The diff format used by XML::DifferenceMarkup is meant to be human-readable (i.e. simple, as opposed to short) - basically the diff is a subset of the input trees, annotated with instruction element nodes specifying how to convert the source tree to the target by inserting and deleting nodes. To prevent name colisions with input trees, all added elements are in a namespace http://www.locus.cz/XML/DifferenceMarkup (the diff will fail on input trees which already use that namespace).
textproc/XML-XQL-0.68 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
This is a Perl extension to XML::Parser. It adds a new 'Style' to XML::Parser, called 'Dom', that allows XML::Parser to build an Object Oriented datastructure with a DOM Level 1 compliant interface. The XML::XQL module implements the XQL (XML Query Language) proposal submitted to the XSL Working Group in September 1998. The spec can be found at http://www.w3.org/TandS/QL/QL98/pp/xql.html Most of the contents related to the XQL syntax can also be found in the XML::XQL::Tutorial that comes with this distribution. Note that XQL is not the same as XML-QL!
www/mod_proxy_html-3.1.2 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Apache module for rewriting HTML links in proxied content
mod_proxy_html is an output filter to rewrite HTML links in a proxy situation, to ensure that links work for users outside the proxy. It serves the same purpose as Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive does for HTTP headers, and is an essential component of a reverse proxy. Note (for apache24 users): mod_proxy_html has now been relicensed and incorporated into the core Apache HTTPD distribution at apache.org from HTTPD 2.4. That version is now likely to be more up-to-date than this one.
www/mod_extract_forwarded-2.0.2 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Apache module that can make proxied requests appear with client IP
mod_extract_forwarded hooks itself into Apache's header parsing phase and looks for the X-Forwarded-For header which some (most?) proxies add to the proxied HTTP requests. It extracts the IP from the X-Forwarded-For and modifies the connection data so to the rest of Apache the request looks like it came from that IP rather than the proxy IP. mod_extract_forwarded can be dangerous for host based access control because X-Forwarded-For is easily spoofed. Because of this you can configure which proxies you trust or don't trust.
www/CGI-Session-4.48 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Perl extension for persistent session management
"CGI::Session" is Perl5 library that provides an easy persistent session management system across HTTP requests. Session persistence is a very important issue in web applications. Shopping carts, user-recognition features, login and authentication methods and etc. all require persistent session management mechanism, which is both secure and reliable. "CGI::Session" provides with just that. You can read the whole documentation as a tutorial on session management. But if you are already familiar with "CGI::Session" go to the methods section for the list of all the methods available.
www/HTML-TagParser-0.20 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Yet another HTML tag parser by pure Perl implementation
HTML::TagParser is a pure Perl implementaion for parsing HTML files. This module provides some methods like DOM. This module is not strict about XHTML format because many of HTML pages are not strict. You know, many pages use <br> elemtents instead of <br/> and have <p> elements which are not closed. This module natively understands a character set of document by reading its meta element. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS"> The parsed document's encoding is converted as this class's fixed internal encoding "UTF-8".
www/MojoMojo-1.11 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Catalyst & DBIx::Class powered Wiki
Mojomojo is a sort of content managment system, borrowing many concepts from wikis and blogs. It allows you to maintain a full tree-structure of pages, and to interlink them in various ways. It has full version support, so you can always go back to a previous version and see what's changed with an easy AJAX- based diff system. There are also a bunch of other features like bult-in fulltext search, live AJAX preview of editing, and RSS feeds for every wiki page. To find out more about how you can use MojoMojo, please visit http://mojomojo.org or read the installation instructions in MojoMojo::Installation to try it out yourself.