Ports 搜索

sysutils/quota-0.5.1 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Ruby library to manipulate filesystem quotas
Ruby-quota is a ruby library to manipulate filesystem quotas.
sysutils/tmux-2.2 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Tmux 是一个终端复用器,它允许在一个单一的终端里访问和控制许多的终端。tmux 的目的 是要成为一个简单的、现代的、BSD 许可的用来替代类似 GNU screen 等软件的替代方案。
textproc/HStringTemplate-0.8.3 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
StringTemplate implementation in Haskell
A port of the Java library by Terrence Parr.
textproc/html- (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
HTML combinator library
This package contains a combinator library for constructing HTML documents.
textproc/rmarkdown-1.0 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Dynamic Documents for R
Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.
textproc/html_parse-1.0.0 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
PECL extension for the ekhtml library
A PECL HTML parser extension based on the ekhtml library
textproc/BibTeX-Parser-0.69 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Pure perl BibTeX parser
BibTeX::Parser is a pure perl BibTeX parser.
textproc/Bloom-Filter-1.0 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Probabilistic algorithm for doing existence tests
A Bloom filter is a probabilistic algorithm for doing existence tests in less memory than a full list of keys would require. The tradeoff to using Bloom filters is a certain configurable risk of false positives.
textproc/FormValidator-Lite-0.38 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Lightleight form validation library
FormValidator::Lite is a simple, fast implementation for form validation.
textproc/fzf-0.13.4 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Blazing fast command-line fuzzy finder
FZF is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.