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x11/eterm-0.9.6 (Score: 1.8556489E-4)
X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm
Eterm is a color vt102 terminal emulator intended as a replacement for xterm. It is designed with a Freedom of Choice philosophy, leaving as much power, flexibility, and freedom as possible in the hands of the user. It is designed to look good and work well, but takes a feature-rich approach rather than one of minimalism while still maintaining speed and efficiency.
x11/xrandr-1.4.3 (Score: 1.8556489E-4)
Primitive command line interface to the RandR extension
This package contains xrandr, a primitive command line interface to the RandR extension.
x11/xvidtune-1.0.3 (Score: 1.8556489E-4)
Video mode tuner for X
This package contains xvidtune, a video mode tuner for the X Window System.
x11/xwininfo-1.1.3 (Score: 1.8556489E-4)
Window information utility for X
This package contains xwininfo, which is a utility for displaying information about windows in X.
x11/gsynaptics-0.9.16 (Score: 1.8556489E-4)
GNOME Synaptics Touchpad setting tool
gsynaptics is a setting tool for Synaptics Touchpad driver for XFree86 4.x/XOrg.
x11/yakuake-2.9.9 (Score: 1.8556489E-4)
Drop-down terminal emulator for KDE
Yakuake is a Quake-style drop-down terminal emulator using KDE Konsole's KPart technology.
archivers/zstd-1.1.0 (Score: 1.8410943E-4)
Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
Zstd, short for Zstandard, is a real-time compression algorithm providing high compression ratios. It offers a very wide range of compression vs. speed trade-offs while being backed by a very fast decoder. It offers a special mode for small data called "dictionary compression" and it can create dictionaries from any sample set. Zstd is BSD-licensed. Using Izbench on the Silesia compression corpus, zstd ranked at the top with a compression ratio of 2.877, a compression rate of 325 Mb/s, and a decompression rate of 325. Zlib followed at 2.730, 95 Mb/s (C) and 360 Mb/s (D). See WWW page for the full benchmark results.
deskutils/fet-5.30.3 (Score: 1.8410943E-4)
Free timetabling software
FET is open source free software for automatically scheduling the timetable of a school, high-school or university. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm. Usually, FET is able to solve a complicated timetable in maximum 5-20 minutes. For simpler timetables, it may take a shorter time, under 5 minutes (in some cases, a matter of seconds). For extremely difficult timetables, it may take a longer time, a matter of hours. FET can mean "Free Educational Timetabling" (the "E" in the middle may also stand for other words, based on your personal preference).
deskutils/semantik-0.9.4 (Score: 1.8410943E-4)
KDE mind mapping tool
The goal of Semantik is to help to structure ideas and concepts by associating them into a tree. The tree is there to help to see how the ideas interact, and then to develop them further (add ramifications). An idea is represented by a shape which can be a text or a picture. The ideas can be connected, but there is a constraint: an idea cannot have more than one parent. A Semantik mind map can be exported as a picture, or used to generate documents. Templates include pdflatex (article, book) and HTML file formats. Semantik is the replacement for Kdissert and requires KDE Development Platform 4.
devel/Log-Message-0.08 (Score: 1.8410943E-4)
Powerful and flexible message logging mechanism
Log::Message is a generic message storage mechanism. It allows you to store messages on a stack -- either shared or private -- and assign meta-data to it. Some meta-data will automatically be added for you, like a timestamp and a stack trace, but some can be filled in by the user, like a tag by which to identify it or group it, and a level at which to handle the message (for example, log it, or die with it) Log::Message also provides a powerful way of searching through items by regexes on messages, tags and level.