Ports Search

Results 5,7815,790 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
www/gotty-0.0.13 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Command line tool that turns your CLI tools into web applications
GoTTY is a simple command line tool that turns your CLI tools into web applications. GoTTY starts a new process with the given command when a new client connects to the server. This means users cannot share a single terminal with others by default. However, you can use terminal multiplexers for sharing a single process with multiple clients. For additional security, SSL/TLS client certificate authentication and session encryption should be used.
www/hydra-0.1.8 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
High performance multi-threaded web server
Hydra is a high performance multi-threaded web server. Unlike traditional multi-threaded web servers, Hydra uses a constant, but configurable, pool of threads and each thread can handle several connections by multiplexing the connections. This may remind you of a non-blocking server, and this is true, but Hydra does not have the killing limitation of a non-blocking server, the confinement to one CPU. Hydra will take advantage of every available CPU in a system.
www/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Allows users to use MySQL databases for user authentication
This add-on module allows the apache web server to use a MySQL database for user and/or group authentication. For large user lists this can offer a significate speed up over apache's standard flat file format. There is a different version of mod_auth_mysql in the ports tree with different configuration. Unfortunatly this version has a bug if used on a system which has more than one authentification databases. You may have to look which version fits your requirements.
www/Perlbal-1.80 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
Perlbal is a single-threaded event-based server supporting HTTP load balancing, web serving, and a mix of the two. One of the defining things about Perlbal is that almost everything can be configured or reconfigured on the fly without needing to restart the software. A basic configuration file containing a management port enables you to easily perform operations on a running instance of Perlbal.
www/URI-Sequin-1.2 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Extract information from the URLs of Search-Engines
SEQUIN is intended to extract the keywords used and the name of the search engine given the a line from a logfile that contains a referal URL from a Search Engine which GETs its data. Unlike traditional applications for doing this, it does not rely on a preset list of search engines and thus currently works with almost every search engine URL the author could get his hands on. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
www/impresscms-1.3.7 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Community Developed Content Management System
ImpressCMS is a community developed Content Management System for easily building and maintaining a dynamic web site. Keep your web site up to date with this easy to use, secure and flexible system. It is the ideal tool for a wide range of users: from business to community users, from large enterprises to people who want a simple, easy to use blogging tool. ImpressCMS is a powerful system that gets outstanding results!
www/phpmyfaq-2.9.5 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ-system
phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ-system. It supports various databases to store all data, PHP 4.1.0 (or higher) is needed in order to access this data. phpMyFAQ also offers a Content Management-System with a WYSIWYG editor and an Image Manager, flexible multi-user support with LDAP support, a news-system, user-tracking, language modules, enhanced automatic content negotiation, templates, extensive XML-support, PDF-support, a backup-system and an easy to use installation script.
www/delicious-1.3 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Extension to ease the use of del.icio.us remote bookmarks
This is an extension to ease the use of the del.icio.us website: a social bookmarking, social software web service for storing and sharing web bookmarks. A non-hierarchical keyword categorization system is used on del.icio.us where users can tag each of their bookmarks with a number of freely chosen keywords. A combined view of everyone's bookmarks with a given tag is available.
www/WadcomBlog-0.3 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Simple open-source static blog engine written in Python
WadcomBlog is a simple open-source static blog engine written in Python by Vlad Skvortsov and distributed under BSD license. It doesn't use any backend database but instead reads a set of plain i text files (in RFC2822 format) and creates a tree of interlinked HTML pages that may be then published. To update a blog one just needs to add a file to the source tree and run the command-line WadcomBlog script to regenerate the output.
x11-toolkits/Gtk2-Unique-0.05 (Score: 1.01357495E-4)
Perl binding for the C library libunique
Perl bindings for the C library "libunique" that provides a mechanism for writing single instance applications. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side.