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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第15,72115,730项(搜索用时0.017秒)
textproc/MARC-Record-2.0.6 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
The core class for representing a single MARC record
The MARC::* series of modules create a simple object-oriented abstraction of MARC record handling. MARC::Record is the core class for representing a single MARC record.
textproc/Makefile-DOM-0.008 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simple DOM parser for Makefiles
This libary can serve as an advanced lexer for (GNU) makefiles. It parses makefiles as "documents" and the parsing is lossless. The results are data structures similar to DOM trees. The DOM trees hold every single bit of the information in the original input files, including white spaces, blank lines and makefile comments. That means it's possible to reproduce the original makefiles from the DOM trees. In addition, each node of the DOM trees is modifiable and so is the whole tree, just like the PPI module used for Perl source parsing and the HTML::TreeBuilder module used for parsing HTML source.
textproc/LaTeX-TOM-1.03 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl module for parsing, analyzing, and manipulating LaTeX documents
This module provides a parser which parses and interprets (though not fully) LaTeX documents and returns a tree-based representation of what it finds. This tree is a LaTeX::TOM::Tree. The tree contains LaTeX::TOM::Node nodes. This module should be especially useful to anyone who wants to do processing of LaTeX documents that requires extraction of plain-text information, or altering of the plain-text components (or alternatively, the math-text components).
textproc/Makefile-Parser-0.216 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Makefile::Parser - A Simple Parser for Makefiles
This is a parser for Makefiles. At this very early stage, the parser only supports a limited set of features, so it may not recognize some advanced features provided by certain make tools like GNU make.
textproc/Markapl-0.14 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Markup as Perl
This is a new try to use Devel::Declare to change the Perl5 language. It learns pretty much everything from Template::Declare, and has similar interface. With only one difference: how element attributes are defined.
textproc/Lingua-Conjunction-2.00 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Convert Perl lists into linguistic conjunctions
Lingua::Conjunction exports a single subroutine, conjunction, that converts a list into a properly punctuated text string. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/Marpa-HTML-0.112 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
High-level HTML Parser
Marpa::HTML does "high-level" parsing of HTML. It allows handlers to be specified for elements, terminals and other components in the hierarchical structure of an HTML document. Marpa::HTML is an extremely liberal HTML parser. Marpa::HTML does not reject any documents, no mater how poorly they fit the HTML standards.
textproc/MathML-Entities-0.17 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Convert XHTML+MathML Named Entities to Numeric Character References
MathML::Entities a content conversion filter for named XHTML+MathML entities. There are over two thousand named entities in the XHTML+MathML DTD. All the Entities defined in the XHTML+MathML DTD except the five "safe" ones (&lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &quot;, &apos;), will be converted to the equivalent numeric character references or to utf-8 characters. Named entities which are not in the XHTML+MathML DTD are escaped. This makes the resulting XHTML (or XHTML+MathML) safe for consumption by non-validating XML parsers. Unlike, HTML::Entities, the mapping between MathML named entities and codepoints is many-to-one. Therefore, there's no particular sense in having an inverse function, which takes codepoints to named entities. Based on: HTML::Entities by Koichi Taniguchi <taniguchi@livedoor.jp>
textproc/Net-YASA-0.03 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl interface to YASA (Yet Another Suffix Array)
YASA is a simple implementation of Suffix Array for counting frequency of given text/string. This module provides a Perl interface to YASA via REST.
textproc/ODF-lpOD-1.126 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
OpenDocument management interface
ODF::lpOD is an Open Document management interface. It allows the users to create or transform office documents, or to extract data from them. It can handle documents which comply with the Open Document Format international standard (ODF). It may handle text documents (ODT), spreadsheet documents(ODS), as well as presentation(ODP) or drawing documents (ODG).