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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第1,6311,640项(搜索用时0.007秒)
devel/Term-ReadPassword-0.11 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Perl module for asking the user for a password
This module lets you ask the user for a password in the traditional way, from the keyboard, without echoing. This is not intended for use over the web; user authentication over the web is another matter entirely. Also, this module should generally be used in conjunction with Perl's crypt() function, sold separately.
devel/popt-1.16 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Getopt(3) like library with a number of enhancements, from Redhat
This is the popt command line option parsing library. While it is similar to getopt(3), it contains a number of enhancements, including: 1) popt is fully reentrant 2) popt can parse arbitrary argv[] style arrays while getopt(2) makes this quite difficult 3) popt allows users to alias command line arguments 4) popt provides convenience functions for parsing strings into argv[] style arrays
dns/dnstracer-1.9 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source
WHAT IS DNSTRACER? dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data. Its behaviour is similar to ntptrace(8), which does it for the NTP protocol.
games/gondola-1.1 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Create and optimize a distribution network of gondolas
Gondola is the ultimate shipping, shape sorting, barge unloading game of all time. Get the right shapes to the right places to score. But be warned: there are only a limited number of islands to build on and longer cables are expensive! Sort wisely to minimize loss.
graphics/lcms-1.19 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Light Color Management System -- a color management library
Little CMS intends to be a small-footprint color management library, with special focus on accuracy and performance. It uses the International Color Consortium standard (ICC), and offers fast transformation routines between ICC profiles. Color management refers to techniques that ensure consistent colors while images are transferred from scanners or cameras to monitors and printers.
japanese/hns-2.19.9 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Hyper NIKKI System, a CGI system for Electric Diary Interchange
hns, Hyper NIKKI System, is a CGI system for EDI (Electric Diary Interchange). hns has the following features: * Reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) for your diary drastically. * Free from Y2K problem. * Access logging and reader tracking. * Easy to change the appearance of the diary by using theme.
lang/chibi-scheme-0.7.3 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Minimal Scheme implementation for use as a C extension language
Chibi-Scheme is a very small library intended for use as an extension and scripting language in C programs. In addition to support for lightweight VM-based threads, each VM itself runs in an isolated heap allowing multiple VMs to run simultaneously in different OS threads. The default language is the R7RS (scheme base) library.
mail/prepflog-0.4.1 (Score: 0.0017472823)
Prepares logfiles in a sanitised format for pflogsumm and awstats
The script processes mail log files that are to be passed to pflogsumm or awstats disregarding the lines relating to the re-injection of messages into postfix. It is very useful for a postfix setup which uses amavis for virus filtering.
mail/apolicy-0.73 (Score: 0.0017472823)
ACL system for Postfix, as a policy daemon
ACL Policy Daemon is a program that communicates with the Postfix MTA using the Policy Delegation Protocol implementing an ACL (Access Control List) system, making very easy to improve and create nice controls on your e-mail traffic. You can use it to verify SPF records too.
math/lapack-3.5.0 (Score: 0.0017472823)
A library of Fortran 77 subroutines for linear algebra
LAPACK is a library of Fortran 77 subroutines for solving the most commonly occurring problems in numerical linear algebra. It is freely-available software, and is copyrighted. We recommend that you run the testing and timing programs. To view an HTML version of the Users' Guide please refer to the URL: http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/