Ports 搜索

devel/sfml-1.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
SFML is a portable and easy to use multimedia API written in C++. You can see it as a modern, object-oriented alternative to SDL. SFML is composed of several packages to perfectly suit your needs. You can use SFML as a minimal windowing system to interface with OpenGL, or as a fully-featured multimedia library for building games or interactive programs.
devel/shapelib-1.3.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
C API for reading and writing ArcView Shapefiles
Shapefile C Library V1.2 Purpose The Shapefile C Library provides the ability to write simple C programs for reading, writing and updating (to a limited extent) ESRI Shapefiles, and the associated attribute file (.dbf). Documentation /usr/local/share/doc/shapelib/shapelib.html - General docs /usr/local/share/doc/shapelib/shp_api.html - Shape (.SHP) File API /usr/local/share/doc/shapelib/dbg_api.html - Attribute (.DBF) File API Check Shapelib Homepage below:
devel/shflags-1.2.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Command-line flags module for Unix shell scripts
Shell Flags (shFlags) is a library written to greatly simplify the handling of command-line flags in Bourne based Unix shell scripts (bash, dash, ksh, sh, zsh) on many Unix OSes (Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, etc.). Most shell scripts use getopt for flags processing, but the different versions of getopt on various OSes make writing portable shell scripts difficult. shFlags instead provides an API that doesn't change across shell and OS versions so the script writer can be confident that the script will work. shFlags is a port of the google-gflags C++/Python library.
devel/shiboken-1.2.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
C++ code generator for CPython extensions
Shiboken is a GeneratorRunner plugin that outputs C++ code for CPython extensions.
devel/shmap-0.3.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Shared-memory-based hashmaps
Library that contains a collection of different hashmaps. All these hashmaps are based on shared memory and are fast. This cuts down development time for projects that need to keep data in shared memory.
devel/sigar-1.7.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
Sigar system information API
The Sigar API provides a portable interface for gathering system information such as: * System memory, swap, cpu, load average, uptime, loginsi * Per-process memory, cpu, credential info, state, arguments, environment, open files * File system detection and metrics * Network interface detection, configuration info and metrics * TCP and UDP connection tables * Network route table This information is available in most operating systems, but each OS has their own way(s) providing it. SIGAR provides developers with one API to access this information regardless of the underlying platform. The core API is implemented in pure C with bindings currently implemented for Java, Perl, Ruby, Python, Erlang, PHP and C#.
devel/simavr-1.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simulator for several Atmel AVR chips
This is a port of simavr, an AVR simulator using avr-gcc's register definitions.
devel/simian-2.4.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Similarity analyser for source and other text files
Simian (Similarity Analyser) identifies duplication in Java, C#, C, C++, COBOL, Ruby, JSP, ASP, HTML, XML, Visual Basic Groovy source code and even plain text files. In fact, simian can be used on any human readable files such as ini files, deployment descriptors, you name it. Note: The port uses the java version by default. You can select the .NET version via WITH_MONO=yes, and disable installation of the java parts with WITHOUT_JAVA=yes.
devel/simple_components-4.13 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple Ada Components
This is a library created by Dmitry Kazakov out of necessity, which was released under the GMGPL and provides Ada implementations of: - smart pointers - B-trees - directed graphs - stacks - sets - tables - maps - string editing - unbounded arrays - expression analyzers - lock-free data structures - synchronization primitives (events, race condition free pulse events, arrays of events, reentrant mutexes, deadlock-free arrays of mutexes) - pseudo-random non-repeating numbers - symmetric encoding and decoding - IEEE 754 representations support - multiple connections server/client designing tools. Tables management and strings editing are described in separate documents; see Tables and Strings edit. The library is kept conform to the Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012 language standards.
devel/skalibs- (Score: 0.032514982)
General purpose C libraries used by skarnet.org software
skalibs is a package centralizing the public-domain C development files used for building other skarnet.org software. skalibs can also be used as a sound basic start for C development. There are a lot of general-purpose libraries out there; but if your main goal is to produce small and secure C code, you will like skalibs. skalibs contains exclusively public-domain code. So you can redistribute it as you want, and it does not prevent you from distributing any of your executables.