Ports 搜索

math/geg-1.0.2 (Score: 0.0029008025)
Visualise multiple 2D-functions of one variable
geg, a GTK+ Equation Grapher is a very simple utility for parsing and plotting 2D-Functions, eg f(x) = 3 + sin(x), and much more complicated functions. It was written with GTK+ and provides a neat, configurable user interface.
devel/libopencm3-0.0.20160319 (Score: 0.0028913775)
LGPLv3 Cortex-M0/M3/M4 runtime library
The libopencm3 project aims to create an open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers. Currently (at least partly) supported microcontrollers: - ST STM32F1 series - ST STM32F2 series - ST STM32F4 series - NXP LPC1311/13/42/43 The library is written completely from scratch based on the vendor datasheets, programming manuals, and application notes. The code is meant to be used with a GCC toolchain for ARM (arm-elf or arm-none-eabi), flashing of the code to a microcontroller can be done using the OpenOCD ARM JTAG software. This port depends on devel/gcc-arm-embedded toolchain.
math/pbkrtest-0.4.6 (Score: 0.0028596395)
Parametric bootstrap and Kenward-Roger-based methods for mixed model comparison
Test in linear mixed effects models. Attention is on linear mixed effects models as implemented in the lme4 package. The package implements a parametric bootstrap test. The package implements a Kenward-Roger modification of F-tests.
security/vxquery-0.2.1 (Score: 0.0028596395)
VuXML Query Tool
The VuXML Query Tool, vxquery, is a simple utility for selecting entries from a VuXML document by package name and version. Suggested usage: /bin/ls /var/db/pkg | vxquery -f - /usr/ports/security/vuxml/vuln.xml
mail/wetteronline-0.1 (Score: 0.0028059948)
Plugin for the weather in Germany
A little plugin for Squirrelmail showing the current weather from WetterOnline for the users zip code. Dies ist ein kleines Plugin f�r SM welches das aktuelle Wette von WetterOnline anhand der eigenen Postleitzahl anzeigt.
textproc/stem-1.5.1 (Score: 0.0028059948)
PECL extension which provides word stemming
This stem extension for PHP provides stemming capability for a variety of languages using Dr. M.F. Porter's Snowball API, which can be found at: http://snowball.tartarus.org
math/Math-CDF-0.1 (Score: 0.0027402416)
Generate probabilities and quantiles
This module provides a perl interface to the DCDFLIB. See the section on DCDFLIB for more information. Functions are available for 7 continuous distributions (Beta, Chi-square, F, Gamma, Normal, Poisson and T-distribution) and for two discrete distributions (Binomial and Negative Binomial). Optional non-centrality parameters are available for the Chi-square, F and T-distributions. Cumulative probabilities are available for all 9 distributions and quantile functions are available for the 7 continuous distributions.
shells/bashc- (Score: 0.0027402416)
GNU bash shell extended with visual two-panel file browser
Bash Commander is a traditional GNU bash shell extended with visual two-panel file browser. Features: * Full bash compatibility. * Embedded visual file browser. * Two file panels, turned on and off by pressing ^O. * Actions and colors configured via .bashrc script. * Run current file on pressing Enter, configurable via commander_start_file() shell function. * Perform an action on pressing F1-F20 keys, configurable via commander_fN() shell functions.
devel/File-Random-0.17 (Score: 0.0026642513)
Perl module for random selecting of a file
This module simplifies the routine job of selecting a random file. (As you can find at CGI scripts). It's done, because it's boring (and error prone), always to write something like my @files = (<*.*>); my $randf = $files[rand @files]; or opendir DIR, " ... " or die " ... "; my @files = grep {-f ...} (readdir DIR); closedir DIR; my $randf = $files[rand @files]; It also becomes very boring and very dangerous to write randomly selection for subdirectory searching with special check-routines. The simple standard job of selecting a random line from a file is implemented, too.
math/lapack++-2.5.4 (Score: 0.0026073665)
Linear Algebra PACKage in C++, a wrapper for LAPACK
LAPACK++ (Linear Algebra PACKage in C++) is a software library for numerical linear algebra that solves systems of linear equations and eigenvalue problems on high performance computer architectures. Computational support is provided for supports various matrix classes for vectors, non-symmetric matrices, SPD matrices, symmetric matrices, banded, triangular, and tridiagonal matrices; however, it does not include all of the capabilities of original f77 LAPACK. Emphasis is given to routines for solving linear systems consisting of non-symmetric matrices, symmetric positive definite systems, and solving linear least-square systems.