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Results 251260 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.014 seconds)
www/logtools-0.13d (Score: 0.014928903)
Useful tools to deal with CLF files (Common Log File format)
Tools like clfmerge, clfsplit etc to simplify working with access log files e.g. with virtual hosts.
TT plugin to make email addresses into HTML links
Template::Plugin::Clickable::Email converts any e-mail addresses found in the filtered text into HTML mailto: links.
www/server_spy-0.2.3 (Score: 0.014928903)
Indicates what brand of HTTP server runs on the visited site
Server Spy indicates what brand of HTTP server (e.g. Apache, IIS, etc.) runs on the visited sites.
games/oneko-2.0b (Score: 0.014900697)
Cat chasing a mouse all over the screen
oneko displays a cat chasing the mouse. It is based on "xneko", which displayed a cat in a cage (i.e., a rectangular window). She is now free to run all over the screen.
net/nepenthes-0.2.2 (Score: 0.014895787)
Determine the malware activity on a network
Nepenthes can determine the malware activity on a network by deploying a nepenthes sensor (i.e. honey pot). The programm emulates different well known vulnerabilities waiting for malicious connections trying to exploit them.
science/gnudatalanguage-0.9.6.v2 (Score: 0.014895787)
GDL, a free IDL compatible incremental compiler
GDL - GNU Data Language - is a free IDL (Interactive Data Language) compatible incremental compiler (i.e. runs IDL programs). IDL is a registered trademark of Research Systems Inc. (see: <http://www.rsinc.com/>)
sysutils/xmbmon-205 (Score: 0.014894055)
MB monitor for LM78/79, W8378x, AS99127F, VT82C686 and ADM9240
This is a X/tty motherboard monitor which supports LM78/79, WINBond 83781D/83782D/83783S, ASUS 991227F, and VIA VT82C686A/B PC-health chips via 3 methods: ISA-I/O, SMBus, VIA-direct. Run "mbmon -h" or "xmbmon -help" to see the usage. ***CAUTION*** These programs access to the SMBus or the ISA-IO port directly under the superuser privilege, so it may cause a system crash. Please test "mbmon -d" or "xmbmon -debug" first.
biology/mapm3-3.0 (Score: 0.014818598)
Constructs linkage maps of markers segregating in experimental crosses
MAPMAKER/EXP is a linkage analysis package designed to help construct primary linkage maps of markers segregating in experimental crosses. MAPMAKER/EXP performs full multipoint linkage analysis (simultaneous estimation of all recombination fractions from the primary data) for dominant, recessive, and co- dominant (e.g. RFLP-like) markers. MAPMAKER/EXP is an experimental-cross-only successor to the original MAPMAKER program. MAPMAKER/QTL is a companion program to MAPMAKER/EXP which allows one to map genes controlling polygenic quantitative traits in F2 intercrosses and BC1 backcrosses relative to a genetic linkage map. More information on MAPMAKER/QTL can be found in the technical report (included with MAPMAKER/QTL).
irc/ircd-hybrid-8.2.5 (Score: 0.014813942)
Fast irc daemon with a number of new features
A port of the ircd-hybrid IRC daemon. ircd-hybrid includes a number of improvements over a standard ircd-2.8 server, including compressed server<->server links, chanmode +e, and TS5 support.
mail/Mail-Sendmail-0.79 (Score: 0.014813942)
Perl module implementing a simple, platform-independent mailer
Mail::Sendmail provides a simple, platform-independent e-mail interface from your perl script. It requires only Perl5 and a network connection. Mail::Sendmail contains mainly &sendmail, which takes a hash with the message to send and sends it.