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comms/nec2c-.9 (Score: 0.03363201)
Used to calculate antenna patterns useful to ham radio
nec2c is a translation of the NEC2 FORTRAN source code to the C language. The translation was performed mostly "by hand" and a lot of modifications to the original program were introduced in order to modernize the NEC2 and to remove as many built-in limitations as possible. The attendant SOMNEC program was also translated to C and incorporated in nec2c as a function so that Sommerfeld ground solutions are a part of the program. Originally Written by: Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC2) developed at Lawrence Livermore lab., Livermore, CA. (contact G. Burke at 415-422-8414 for problems with the NEC code. For problems with the vax implem- entation, contact J. Breakall at 415-422-8196 or E. Domning at 415 422-5936) file created 4/11/80. Translation by: Neoklis Kyriazis 5B4AZ Limassol, Cyprus, neoklisk@cytanet.com.cy
sysutils/b2sum-0.0.d20150531 (Score: 0.03326928)
Fast secure hashing
The cryptographic hash function BLAKE2 is an improved version of the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE. Like SHA-3, BLAKE2 offers the highest security, yet is fast as MD5 on 64-bit platforms and requires at least 33% less RAM than SHA-2 or SHA-3 on low-end systems. The core algorithm of BLAKE2 is derived from ChaCha, a stream cipher designed by Daniel J. Bernstein that has been proposed as a standard cipher for TLS.
comms/bpl+-1.0 (Score: 0.03296879)
B Plus file transfer protocol
This is an implementation of B Plus binary file transfer protocol. B Plus is used on several online services to let their users download files from the system. In conjunction with telnetx package, you can use this program to download files from those systems connected to the Internet.
www/Data-Validate-URI-0.07 (Score: 0.032665707)
Common data validation methods for URIs
This module collects common URI validation routines to make input validation, and untainting easier and more readable. All functions return an untainted value if the test passes, and undef if it fails. This means that you should always check for a defined status explicitly. Don't assume the return will be true. The value to test is always the first (and often only) argument. There are a number of other URI validation modules out there as well. This one focuses on being fast, lightweight, and relatively 'real-world'. i.e. it's good if you want to check user input, and don't need to parse out the URI/URL into chunks. Right now the module focuses on HTTP URIs, since they're arguably the most common.
net/libnids-1.24 (Score: 0.029223103)
Network monitoring library with TCP/IP reassembly
Libnids is a library that provides the function of one of the NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) components, namely E-component. The libnids code watches all local network traffic, processes received datagrams a bit, and provides convenient information on them to analyzing modules. Libnids performs: a) assembly of TCP segments into TCP streams b) IP defragmentation c) TCP port scan detection
graphics/xoris-0.1e (Score: 0.02895764)
X11 pixel color grabber
xoris grabs the RGB color value of any pixel on the screen and dumps the color's name to stdout. The output can be printed as: 1. hex (#b0958e); 2. triple of decimal RGB values (229 229 229); 3. abstract name (gray90). xoris has only been tested on displays with a bit depth of 24 bpp.
devel/florist-gpl-2016 (Score: 0.028035104)
POSIX Ada binding, IEEE Standards 1003.5(b,c)
Florist was produced by students and faculty of the Florida State University Department of Computer Science, under contract to the US Department of Defense, Defense Information Systems Agency, as a product of the POSIX Ada Real-Time (PART) Project. When the contract was completed, in 1999, FSU turned maintenance of Florist over to Ada Core Technologies, Inc.). The latest and most complete free version is available from Adacore. FLORIST is an implementation of the IEEE Standards 1003.5: 1992, IEEE STD 1003.5b: 1996, and parts of IEEE STD 1003.5c: 1998, also known as the POSIX Ada Bindings.
games/filters-2.54 (Score: 0.027120285)
Collection of filters, including B1FF, and the Swedish Chef
A collection of command line filters, including B1FF and the Swedish Chef. No personal, racial, societal slurs are intended. For amusement only. All the filters read input from stdin, change it, and write the filtered text to stdout.
devel/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.08 (Score: 0.026844107)
Parse ISO8601 formats
Parses almost all ISO 8601:2000(E) date and time formats. ISO 8601:2000(E) time-intervals will be supported in a later release.
comms/hylafax-6.0.6 (Score: 0.026555143)
Fax software
(excerpt from HylaFAX FAQ, http://www.hylafax.org/content/About_HylaFAX) HylaFAX is a facsimile system for UNIX systems. It supports: o sending facsimile o receiving facsimile o polled retrieval of facsimile o transparent shared data use of the modem o sending messages to pagers Facsimile can be any size (e.g. A4, B4), either 98 or 196 lpi, and transmitted/received as either 1D-encoded or 2D-encoded facsimile data (2D-encoded data is frequently more compact and hence takes a shorter time to communicate). Any modem that supports one of the standard interfaces for facsimile operation can be used; i.e. any Class 1, Class 2, or Class 2.0 modem.