Ports 搜索

devel/repoze.what-1.0.9 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Authorization for WSGI applications
repoze.what is an authorization framework for WSGI applications, based on repoze.who (which deals with authentication and identification). On the one hand, it enables an authorization system based on the groups to which the `authenticated or anonymous` user belongs and the permissions granted to such groups by loading these groups and permissions into the request on the way in to the downstream WSGI application. And on the other hand, it enables you to manage your groups and permissions from the application itself or another program, under a backend-independent API. For example, it would be easy for you to switch from one back-end to another, and even use this framework to migrate the data.
devel/adabooch-20160321 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Ada 95 Booch Components
The Ada 95 Booch components are a port of Grady Booch's C++ components. They contain the same key abstractions as the C++ form (Structs, Tools and Support). However, the organization is slightly different, particularly in the Support domain. This is because Ada 95 provides several special forms of memory management that are quite different from C++. The Structs category provides an array of structural abstractions (Bags, Collections, Deques, Graphs, Lists, Maps, Queues, Rings, Sets, Stacks, and Trees). The Tools category provides algorithmic abstractions (Searching, Sorting, etc.). The Support category contains all the "concrete" forms, plus structures to create the components. Some of the structures permit structural sharing (graphs, lists, and trees). Some structures may also be ordered (collections, dequeues, and queues). There are also multiple forms for some structures: single and double linked lists, directed and undirected graphs, and binary, multiway, and AVL trees.
devel/utf8cpp-2.3.4 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Simple, portable, lightweight library for handling UTF-8 strings
Many C++ developers miss an easy and portable way of handling Unicode encoded strings. The original C++ Standard (known as C++98 or C++03) is Unicode agnostic. C++11 provides some support for Unicode on core language and library level: u8, u, and U character and string literals, char16_t and char32_t character types, u16string and u32string library classes, and codecvt support for conversions between Unicode encoding forms. In the meantime, developers use third party libraries like ICU, OS specific capabilities, or simply roll out their own solutions. In order to easily handle UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings, I came up with a small generic library. For anybody used to work with STL algorithms and iterators, it should be easy and natural to use.
dns/Net-DNS-SEC-1.03 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
DNSSEC extensions to Net::DNS
The Net::DSN::SEC suite provides the resource records that are needed for DNSSEC (RFC 4033, 4034 and 4035). In addition the DLV RR, a clone of the DS RR is supported (RFC 4431) It also provides support for SIG0. That later is useful for dynamic updates using key-pairs. RSA and DSA crypto routines are supported. For details see Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG, Net::DNS::RR::DNSKEY, Net::DNS::RR::NSEC, Net::DNS::RR:DS, Net::DNS::RR::DLV, and see Net::DNS::RR::SIG and Net::DNS::RR::KEY for the use with SIG0. Net::DNS contains all needed hooks to load the Net::DNS::SEC extensions when they are available. See Net::DNS for general help.
editors/apel-10.8 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Portable Emacs Library
APEL stands for "A Portable Emacs Library" and contains these modules: apel - alist: utility for Association-list - calist: utility for condition tree and condition/situation-alist - filename: utility to make file-name - install: utility to install emacs-lisp package - mule-caeser: ROT 13-47-48 Caesar rotation utility - path-util: utility for path management or file detection emu - broken: provide information of broken facilities of Emacs. - invisible: provide features about invisible region - mcharset: provide MIME charset related features - pces: provide portable character encoding scheme features - pccl: utility to write portable CCL program - pcustom: provide portable custom environment - poe: emulation module for basic functions and special forms/macros - poem: provide basic functions to write portable MULE programs - static: utility for static evaluation To use apel, put the following setup into your ~/.emacs: (require 'apel-setupel)
editors/mg-20160421 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Small, fast Emacs-like editor
Mg is a small, fast, portable, and free (public domain) Emacs-like editor maintained by the OpenBSD Project. It is intended for people who can't, or don't want to, run the real GNU Emacs, or are not familiar with the vi(1) editor. Although it is intended to be largely compatible with GNU Emacs, Mg doesn't have special modes for tasks other than editing plain text. Moreover, since it is written entirely in C, there is no language in which to write extensions in (read: no builtin Lisp interpreter). If you are looking for something that looks like Emacs (don't want to learn another editor) but don't have the resources to run the latter, this may be what you're looking for. Enjoy! Dima Dorfman dima@unixfreak.org 14 May 2001
editors/joe-4.2 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Joe's Own Editor
JOE is the professional freeware ASCII text screen editor for UNIX. It makes full use of the power and versatility of UNIX, but lacks the steep learning curve and basic nonsense you have to deal with in every other UNIX editor. JOE has the feel of most IBM PC text editors: the key-sequences are reminiscent of WordStar and Turbo-C. JOE is much more powerful than those editors, however. JOE has all of the features a UNIX user should expect: full use of termcap/terminfo, excellent screen update optimizations (JOE is fully usable at 2400 baud), simple installation, and all of the UNIX-integration features of VI. JOE now has UTF-8 support and Syntax Highlighting.
editors/nvi-1.79.20040608 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, no default settings
This ports contains multilingualized nex/nvi. nex/nvi is a freely redistributable implementation of ex/vi text editors originally distributed as part of the Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution (4BSD), by the University of California, Berkeley. Multilingual patch enables you to use the following multilingual encoding methods, such as: none iso-8859-[1234789] latin1 latin2 euc-jp-1978 euc-jp euc-jp-1983 euc-jp-1990 euc-cn euc-kr iso-2022-cn iso-2022-jp iso-2022-kr iso-2022-7-1 iso-2022-7-2 iso-2022-8-2 sjis big5 hz euc-tw Multilingual support has been set up to use some of the above (guess from the name of the ports/packages) as default value. You can change encoding style on the fly, or by setting up ~/.exrc. With configurations, for Japanese encodings, you can also enjoy the embedded canna support. See /usr/local/share/vi/README.* for details of multilingual patch.
editors/poedit-1.8.4 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Gettext catalogs (.po files) editor
Poedit is cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor. It is built with wxWidgets toolkit and can run on any platform supported by it (although it was tested only on Unix with GTK+ and Windows). It aims to provide more convenient approach to editing catalogs than launching vi and editing the file by hand. Here is a brief features list: - User friendly way of editing entries. You can easily navigate in large catalogs, easily enter or modify entries (fuzzy flag is automatically removed if you change translation, you can copy original string to translation by pressing Alt-I) - Whitespaces highlighting - Fuzzy and untranslated records highlighting. Furthermore, untranslated and fuzzy translations are displayed at the top of the list - Automatic compilation of .mo files (optional) - Automatic headers update - References browser lets you see where in what context the string is used - You can use Poedit to scan source code for translatable strings - Integration with KDE and GNOME desktops
editors/uemacs-4.0 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Full screen editor
MicroEMACS is a tool for creating and changing documents, programs, and other text files. It is both relatively easy for the novice to use, but also very powerful in the hands of an expert. MicroEMACS can be extensively customized for the needs of the individual user. MicroEMACS allows several files to be edited at the same time. The screen can be split into different windows and screens, and text may be moved freely from one window on any screen to the next. Depending on the type of file being edited, MicroEMACS can change how it behaves to make editing simple. Editing standard text files, program files and word processing documents are all possible at the same time. There are extensive capabilities to make word processing and editing easier. These include commands for string searching and replacing, paragraph reformatting and deleting, automatic word wrapping, word move and deletes, easy case controlling, and automatic word counts.