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Results 171180 of 5,827 for /net-mgmt/.(0.01 seconds)
net/Net-Blogger-1.02 (Score: 0.062264226)
OOP-ish interface for accessing a weblog via the XML-RPC API
Blogger.pm provides an OOP-ish interface for accessing a weblog via the Blogger XML-RPC API.
net/Net-CSTA-0.04 (Score: 0.062264226)
Perl extension for ECMA CSTA
ECMA CSTA is an ASN.1 based protocol for Computer Integrated Telephony (CTI) using CSTA it is possible to write code that communicates with a PBX. Typical applications include receiving notifications for incoming calls, placing calls, redirecting calls or placing conference calls.
net/Net-Flow-1.000 (Score: 0.062264226)
Decode and encode NetFlow/IPFIX datagrams
The Flow module provides the decoding function for NetFlow version 5,9 and IPFIX, and the encoding function for NetFlow version 9 and IPFIX. It supports NetFlow version 9 (RFC3945) and NetFlow version 5 (http://www.cisco.com/) and IPFIX(draft-ietf-ipfix-protocol-26.txt). Regretfully, it doesn't provide the full specification of IPFIX, yet. It is future work. You can easily make the Flow Proxy, Protocol Converter and Flow Concentrator by using the combination of both function. And also, you can make the flexible Collector which can receive any Templates by using the Storable perl module.
net/Net-CascadeCopy-0.2.6 (Score: 0.062264226)
Rapidly propagate files to many servers in multiple locations
This module implements a scalable method of quickly propagating files to a large number of servers in one or more locations via rsync or scp. This module and the included script, ccp, take a much more efficient approach that is O(log n). Once the file(s) are been copied to a remote server, that server will be promoted to be used as source server for copying to remaining servers. Thus, the rate of transfer increases exponentially rather than linearly. Servers can be specified in groups (e.g. datacenter) to prevent copying across groups. This maximizes the number of transfers done over a local high-speed connection (LAN) while minimizing the number of transfers over the WAN. The number of multiple simultaneous transfers per source point is configurable. The total number of simultaneously forked processes is limited via Proc::Queue, and is currently hard coded to 32.
net/Net-Cassandra-0.35 (Score: 0.062264226)
Interface to Cassandra
This module provides an interface the to Cassandra distributed database. It uses the Thrift interface. This is changing rapidly and supports the development version of Cassandra built from Subversion trunk.
net/Net-DHCP-0.696 (Score: 0.062264226)
DHCP set of classes designed to handle basic DHCP handling
This module is a DHCP set of classes designed to handle basic DHCP handling. It can be used to develop either client, server or relays. It is composed of 100% pure Perl.
net/Net-Google-1.0.1 (Score: 0.062264226)
Simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API
Provides a simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API
net/Net-IPTrie-0.7 (Score: 0.062264226)
Module for building IPv4 and IPv6 address space hierarchies
This module uses a radix tree (or trie) to quickly build the hierarchy of a given address space (both IPv4 and IPv6). This allows the user to perform fast subnet or routing lookups. It is implemented exclusively in Perl.
net/Net-Jaiku-0.0501 (Score: 0.062264226)
Perl interface to jaiku.com's API
This module allows easy access to Feeds, Presences and Users at jaiku.com. It requires an API key retreivable from http://api.jaiku.com/ for each username you wish to authenticate.
net/Net-Jifty-0.14 (Score: 0.062264226)
Perl interface to online Jifty applications
Jifty is a full-stack web framework. It provides an optional REST interface for applications. Using this module, you can interact with that REST interface to write client-side utilities. You can use this module directly, but you'll be better off subclassing it. This module also provides a number of convenient methods for writing short scripts. For example, passing use_config => 1 to new will look at the config file for the username and password (or SID) of the user. If neither is available, it will prompt the user for them.