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Results 1,1211,130 of 8,048 for /www/.(0.003 seconds)
www/Catalyst-View-Email-0.36 (Score: 0.056974534)
Catalyst View for Email
Catalyst::Helper::View::Email - Helper for Email Views
www/Catalyst-View-GraphViz-0.05 (Score: 0.056974534)
Catalyst::View::GraphViz - GraphViz View Class
This is the Catalyst view class for GraphViz.
HTML::Template::Compiled View Class
HTML::Template::Compiled view class for Catalyst
www/Catalyst-View-HTML-Template-0.03 (Score: 0.056974534)
HTML::Template view class for Catalyst
A view base class for Catalyst using HTML::Template.
www/Catalyst-View-JSON-0.33 (Score: 0.056974534)
Catalyst View handler that returns stash data in JSON format
Catalyst::View::JSON is a Catalyst View handler that returns stash data in JSON format.
www/Catalyst-View-Jemplate-0.06 (Score: 0.056974534)
Jemplate files server
Catalyst::View::Jemplate is a Catalyst View plugin to automatically compile TT files into JavaScript, using ingy's Jemplate.
www/Catalyst-View-Mason-0.19 (Score: 0.056974534)
Mason view class for Catalyst
Want to use a Mason component in your views? No problem! Catalyst::View::Mason comes to the rescue.
www/Catalyst-View-REST-XML-0.02 (Score: 0.056974534)
Perl extension for Catalyst XML View Class
Catalyst View class with XML::Simple.
www/Catalyst-View-RRDGraph-0.10 (Score: 0.056974534)
RRD graph view class for Catalyst
This view generates RRD graph images from the graph defintion placed in the stash. The controller is responsable of placing an ARRAYREF in $c-stash->{'graph'}> with the same data as to generate a graph with the RRDs module, except for filename, that will be automatically generated by the view.
Catalyst TT View with template names relative to the Controller
Catalyst::View::TT::ControllerLocal is like a normal Catalyst TT View, but with template file names relative to the current Controller. So with a set of templates like: ./root/edit.html ./root/add.html ./root/Frobniz/add.html and an action "add" in the Controller "MyApp::Controller::Frobniz", you set "$c->stash->{template}" to "add.html" in order for it to pick up the "./root/frobbiz/add.html" template. Setting the "$c->stash->{template}" from Controller "MyApp::Con- troller::Bogon" would instead pick the default template in "./root/add.html" (since there is no Bogon subdirectory under root). In addition, since there is no file "edit.html" except in the Frobniz directory, C::V::TT::ControllerLocal will default to looking for "edit.html" in ./root/ and ./root/base (or whatever you set MyApp->con- fig->{INCLUDE_PATH} to).