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www/getleft-1.2 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Web site downloader
So here is my little effort, it is supposed to download complete Web sites. You give it an URL, and down it goes on, happily downloading every linked URL in that site. Features: * While it goes, it changes the original pages, all the links get changed to relative links, so that you can surf the site in your hard disk without those pesky absolute links. * Limited Ftp support, it will download the files but not recursively. * Resumes downloading if interrupted. * Filters not to download certain kind of files. * You can get a site map before downloading. * Getleft can follow links to external sites. * Multilingual support, at present Getleft supports Dutch, English, Esperanto, German, French, Italian, Polish, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Spanish.
Mojolicious plugin to set unprivileged credentials
This plugin is intended to replace the setuidgid functionality of Mojo::Server. It should be loaded in application startup and it will change the user and group credentials of the process when Mojo::IOLoop is started, which occurs in each worker process of a Mojo::Server::Prefork daemon like hypnotoad. This allows an application to be started as root so it can bind to privileged ports such as port 80 or 443, but run worker processes as unprivileged users. However, if the application is not started as root, it will most likely fail to change credentials. So, you should only set the user/group when the application is started as root. https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Plugin::SetUserGroup
www/fcgi-2.4.0 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
FastCGI Development Kit
FastCGI Development Kit. FastCGI is a fast, open, and secure Web server interface that solves the performance problems inherent in CGI, without introducing the overhead and complexity of proprietary APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). FastCGI allows for many nice features such as persistent CGI applications (eliminating process creation time per request) and being able run CGI applications on hosts remote to the web server itself. Most web servers have optional or add-on support for FastCGI. Applications which are developed with FastCGI behave as standard CGIs when invoked by web servers without FastCGI support. In other words, if the server supports FastCGI, then FastCGI applications get all the perks (mainly being *really* fast); if the server does not support FastCGI, then FastCGI applications behave exactly like standard CGIs.
www/piwigo-2.8.2 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
PHP based Web Gallery
Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web that comes with powerful features to publish and manage your collection of pictures. Started in 2002, the project is now supported by an active community of users and developers. It supports numerous galleries of all sizes all over the world, from an individual ten-photos party to the images stock of an agency. This scalability is supported by smart browsing capabilities based on categories, tags and chronological search. Various extensions make Piwigo even more scalable and customizable to suit your own needs and desires. Piwigo is both web and photo standard compliant. And, icing on the cake, it is free and opensource. PhpWebGallery became Piwigo on February 15th, 2009.
www/CGI-FormBuilder-3.0900 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
FormBuilder for CGI
The goal of CGI::FormBuilder (FormBuilder) is to provide an easy way for you to generate and process entire CGI form-based applications. Its main features are: * Field Abstraction Viewing fields as entities (instead of just params), where the HTML representation, CGI values, validation, and so on are properties of each field. * DWIMmery Lots of built-in "intelligence" (such as automatic field typing), giving you about a 4:1 ratio of the code it generates versus what you have to write. * Built-in Validation Full-blown regex validation for fields, even including JavaScript code generation. * Template Support Pluggable support for external template engines, such as HTML::Template, Text::Template, Template Toolkit, and CGI::FastTemplate. Plus, the native HTML generated is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
www/Compress-LeadingBlankSpaces-0.06 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Perl class to compress leading blank spaces in web content
Compress::LeadingBlankSpaces - Perl class to compress leading blank spaces in (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) web content. This class provides the functionality for the most simple web content compression. Basically, the outgoing web content (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) contains a lot of leading blank spaces, because of being structured on development stage. Usually, the client browser ignores leading blank spaces. Indeed, the amount of those blank spaces is as significant as 10 to 20 percent of the length of regular web page. We can reduce this part of web traffic on busy servers with no visible impact on transferred web content, especially for old browsers incapable to understand modern content compression. The main functionality of this class is concentrated within the "squeeze_string" member function that is supposed to be used inside the data transfer loop on server side. The rest of the class is developed in order to serve possible exceptions, like pre-formatted data within HTML.
www/Net-Amazon-AWIS-0.36 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Service
The Net::Amazon::AWIS module allows you to use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Service. The Alexa Web Information Service (AWIS) provides developers with programmatic access to the information Alexa Internet (www.alexa.com) collects from its Web Crawl, which currently encompasses more than 100 terabytes of data from over 4 billion Web pages. Developers and Web site owners can use AWIS as a platform for finding answers to difficult and interesting problems on the Web, and incorporating them into their Web applications. In order to access the Alexa Web Information Service, you will need an Amazon Web Services Subscription ID. See http://www.amazon.com/gp/aws/landing.html Registered developers have free access to the Alexa Web Information Service during its beta period, but it is limited to 10,000 requests per subscription ID per day. There are some limitations, so be sure to read The Amazon Alexa Web Information Service FAQ.
www/beaker-1.8.0 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Session and Caching library with WSGI Middleware
Beaker is built on code from the package MyghtyUtils, originally used in the Myghty project. It implements a full set of cache functionality along with sessions that can utilize the caches. Beaker includes Cache and Session WSGI middleware to ease integration with WSGI capable frameworks, and is automatically used by Pylons. Features * Fast, robust performance * Multiple reader/single writer lock system to avoid duplicate simultaneous cache creation * Cache back-ends include dbm, file, memory, memcached, and database (Using SQLAlchemy for multiple-db vendor support) * Signed cookie's to prevent session hijacking/spoofing * Extensible Container object to support new back-ends * Cache's can be divided into namespaces (to represent templates, objects, etc.) then keyed for different copies * Create functions for automatic call-backs to create new cache copies after expiration * Fine-grained toggling of back-ends, keys, and expiration per Cache object
www/django-annoying-0.9.0 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Eliminate annoying things in the Django framework
This is a django application that tries to eliminate annoying things in the Django framework. Features: render_to decorator - reduce typing in django views. signals decorator - allow use signals as decorators. ajax_request decorator - returns JsonResponse with this dict as content. autostrip decorator - strip text form fields before validation. get_object_or_None function - similar to get_object_or_404, but returns None if object not found. get_config function - get settings from django.conf if exists, return default value otherwise. AutoOneToOne field - creates related object on first call if it doesn't exist yet. HttpResponseReload - reload and stay on same page from where request was made. StaticServer middleware - instead of configuring urls.py, just add this middleware and it will serve you static files. JSONField - custom field that lets you easily store JSON data in one of your model fields.
www/sessionmanager- (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Saves and restores the state of all windows
Building upon Crash Recovery, this extension allows you to save the current state of Firefox (history, text data, cookies) and return to that state at any later moment. Besides the manually saved states, Session Manager automatically stores the current state in case of a crash. All sessions are stored in the "sessions" folder inside your profile directory and can be moved around as any other file. To get to that folder, simply select "Open Session Folder" in Session Manager's menu (might not work on all OSes). Finally, Session Manager also allows to reopen the 10 last closed windows and tabs. It is not recommended to use Session Manager at the same time as Crash Recovery (which is completely integrated), SessionSaver or Tab Mix Plus (which provide similar functionality on their own). In comparison, Session Manager currently stores more session data than Tab Mix Plus while not getting as complex as SessionSaver.