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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第2,0712,080项(搜索用时0.011秒)
graphics/SciPlot-1.36 (Score: 0.0013931866)
Full-featured Xt widget to display 2D data in a graph
The SciPlot Widget is a widget capable of plotting cartesian or polar graphs, including logarithmic axes in cartesian plots. The widget is subclassed directly from the Core widget class, which means that it does not depend upon any other widget set. It may be freely used with Athena, Motif, or the Open Look/Xview widget sets. Features provided in the widget include automatic scaling, legend drawing, axis labeling, PostScript output, multiple plotted lines, color support, user font specification, dashed lines, symbols drawn at points, logarithmic scales on one or both axes in cartesian plots, and degrees or radians as angles in polar plots.
japanese/less-382.262 (Score: 0.0013931866)
Less + zcat + ISO-2022 + UTF-8 - a pager similar to more and pg
Less is a program similar to more(1), but which allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement. Also, less does not have to read the entire input file before starting, so with large input files it starts up faster than text editors like vi(1). This enhanced less support ISO 2022 code extension techniqes and Japanese codes(EUC Japanese, SJIS) and compressed(or gzipped) file viewing. The author of the patch is jam@pobox.com, and the UTF-8 support patch is written by bogytech.
korean/h2ps-2.06 (Score: 0.0013931866)
Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer with Korean char
h2ps ---- h2ps formats each named file for printing in a postscript printer with embedded PS hangul fonts; if no file is given, h2ps reads from the standard input. The format used is nice and compact: n(1 to 10) pages on each physical page, headers with useful information (page number, printing date), etc. This is very useful for making simple listings of Korean text. It is relatively compact when comparing with nh2ps, and no need to another fonts or ghostscript. It can be printed with any PostScript printer only with english fonts because its fonts are embedded with output.
mail/mark_read-1.4.2 (Score: 0.0013931866)
Provides one-click link to mark read/unread all mails in a folder
This plugin allows the user to turn on the display of "(read/unread)" links to the right of any folders in their folder list that contain at least one message. Clicking on the link will then mark all messages in this folder as read/unread. Note that you may turn the "read/unread" link on and off by going to the Folders page. You may even turn only the "read" or the "unread" link on or off. It also displays a "mark all read/unread" link below the folder list to mark all folders read/unread that are selected on the Folders page.
math/influenceR-0.1.0 (Score: 0.0013931866)
Software Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of Nodes in a Network
influenceR: Software Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of Nodes in a Network Provides functionality to compute various node centrality measures on networks. Included are functions to compute betweenness centrality (by utilizing Madduri and Bader's SNAP library), implementations of Burt's constraint and effective network size (ENS) metrics, Borgatti's algorithm to identify key players, and Valente's bridging metric. On Unix systems, the betweenness, Key Players, and bridging implementations are parallelized with OpenMP, which may run faster on systems which have OpenMP configured.
sysutils/mgeupsd-0.3 (Score: 0.0013931866)
Monitor a state of MGE Pulsar UPS connected to RS-232 port
mgeupsd is a daemon process that sits in the background and check state of the UPS every 10 (by default) seconds. As soon as mgeupsd senses that the power is failing it notifies init(8) and init will execute the powerwait and powerfail entries. If mgeupsd senses that the power has been restored, it notifies init again and init will exe- cute the powerokwait entries. If mgeupsd senses that the UPS batteries has less than 20% of its energy it notifies init again and init will execute the powerfailnow entries.
textproc/htmlsection-1.1 (Score: 0.0013931866)
Insert section numbers in HTML and make a table of contents
htmlsection is a perl script to insert section number in HTML. When you use htmlsection, you don't have to manage section, table, figure, program-list, reference, term and note numbers and you don't have to make the table of contents, table index, figure index, and program-list index. * Insert section number in HTML and make links to the section. * Make the table of contents. * Insert table, figure, and program-list numbers and make links. * Make the index of tables, figures, and program-lists. * Insert reference, term, and note numbers and make links.
math/gracetmpl-0.3.2 (Score: 0.001389207)
Provide an easy way to use existing grace-files as a template
The GraceTMPL classes provide an easy way to use existing grace-files as a template to format any number of graphs in a predefined way and save them as grace-files. This way you can apply the same graphical appearance to all of your data. In case your preferences change, you just alter the template and reformat your complete set of data within the shortest amount of time. The capabilities of GraceTMPL include: * The application using the GraceTMPL classes can define environment variables for the sheet, each graph and each dataset. The variables can be used in the template for dynamic string replacement. Even output filenames can be templated using variable substitution. * Datasets in the template file can be marked to be included in the destination files for easy reference. * Datasets can be tagged with arbitrary information strings to be interpreted by the application using GraceTMPL. This way information can be passed to the application on how to create the datasets and what kind of information is intended by the template author. * In case no template file is loaded by the application, GraceTMPL::Save will output plain sets of data tables which can easily be imported by XmGrace or other applications.
net/proxy-suite- (Score: 0.0013815889)
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security. The first (and currently only) component being released is the FTP-Proxy. * Securely relays FTP connections between clients and servers * Can switch connections from active to passive and vice versa * Utilizes port ranges for both control and data connections * Provides extensive auditing (via syslog or rotating log files) * Can separate user related from system triggered audit events * Provides command restriction based on logged in user name * Allows command argument checking with regular expressions * Is able to retrieve configuration data from an LDAP directory * Has been thoroughly tested against buffer overflow attacks * Fully conforms to RFC 959 and 1123 (the basic FTP RFCs) * Planned to support RFC 1579 ("Firewall Friendly FTP") * Planned to support RFC 2428 (IPv6 Extensions for FTP) * Based on GNU AutoConf, supposed to run on many UNIX systems Ported to FreeBSD using OpenBSD port by Camiel Dobbelaar <cd@sentia.nl>, with updates contributed by Marius Tomaschewski <mat@mt-home.net>.
www/quick-locale-switcher- (Score: 0.0013815889)
Quickly change and apply a different locale from the tools menu
Allows you to quickly change and apply a different locale from the tools menu: * Handy tool for all people involved with multilingual usage of Mozilla applications. * Switches the Mozilla User Interface language (general.useragent.locale preference) * Switches the accept_language preference, so complete websites will be translated. (if the http accept language header is supported, e.g. like Google does) * Switches the Spell Checker Dictionary preference. (if supported by your Mozilla application) * Remembers the dictionary and content locale for each site and automatically switches when you load that site. It also tries to detect the language of sites itself, and if found automatically switches to that language. * Auto restarts the application in versions 1.4+ (only if needed) * Includes country flag icons for 'all' countries by famfamfam.com. * Displays the flag of the currently selected locale on your statusbar. * Add 3 of your own custom defined locales.