Ports 搜索

print/jadetex-3.13 (Score: 0.01987111)
TeX backend for Jade, DSSSL processor for SGML/XML documents
This is JadeTeX, a TeX backend for Jade. JadeTeX enables you to produce formatted output of documents written with the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). JadeTeX uses tex to produce Device Independent (DVI) output; from there, you can produce high quality hardcopy. JadeTeX also uses pdftex to produce Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of your documents, complete with hyperlinks, and suitable for distribution on the World Wide Web and other media. To use JadeTex, run your SGML document, its Document Type Definition (DTD), and its Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL) specification, through jade with the "-t tex" option. Then, to produce a DVI file, run etex "&jadetex" <file>.tex To produce a PDF file, run pdftex "&pdfjadetex" <file>.tex
print/xdvik-22.87 (Score: 0.01987111)
DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X
Xdvik is a program for displaying DVI files (generated e.g. by Troff or TeX) on the X window system. It is based on the regular (non-k) xdvi of the same version number. This package includes pTeX support. A fontmap file for xdvi is installed as TEXMFDIST/fonts/map/xdvi/xdvi-ptex.map.
print/fontforge-20160404 (Score: 0.01987111)
Type 1/TrueType/OpenType/bitmap font editor
FontForge (formerly called PfaEdit) is a PostScript font editor which can create and modify outline fonts in Type 1, CID-Keyed, TrueType, OpenType format. It can generate bitmaps and save in BDF format or embedded bitmaps in TrueType/OpenType fonts. It can generate Type3 and SVG fonts if built with multilayer feature. If you feel the shortage of memory, rebuilding multilayer-disabled FontForge with FONTFORGE_NO_MULTILAYER defined will save some memory. If you have installed AutoTrace or Potrace, you can generate outlines from imported bitmap images. For more information, see
print/ttfquery-1.0.5 (Score: 0.01987111)
FontTools-based package for querying system fonts
TTFQuery builds on the FontTools package to allow the Python programmer to accomplish a number of tasks: * query the system to find installed fonts * retrieve metadata about any TTF font file (even those not yet installed) o abstract family type o proper font name o glyph outlines * build simple metadata registries for run-time font matching
russian/aspell-0.99.f7.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
Aspell Russian dictionary
Aspell Russian dictionary (charset koi8-r).
russian/ircd-7.2.4 (Score: 0.01987111)
Russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
ircd-hybrid-ru is russian version of well known hybrid IRC server with plently number of features russian version can handle russian channel names, nicknames and charset recoding
science/buddy-2.4 (Score: 0.01987111)
Binary Decision Diagram library
BuDDY is a Binary Decision Diagram library, with: many highly efficient vectorized BDD operations, dynamic variable reordering, automated garbage collection, a C++ interface with automatic reference counting, and much more.
science/ghmm-0.9.r3 (Score: 0.01987111)
General Hidden Markov Model Library in C
The General Hidden Markov Model Library (GHMM) is a C library with additional Python bindings implementing a wide range of types of Hidden Markov Models and algorithms: discrete, continous emissions, basic training, HMM clustering, HMM mixtures.
science/gnudatalanguage-0.9.6.v2 (Score: 0.01987111)
GDL, a free IDL compatible incremental compiler
GDL - GNU Data Language - is a free IDL (Interactive Data Language) compatible incremental compiler (i.e. runs IDL programs). IDL is a registered trademark of Research Systems Inc. (see: <http://www.rsinc.com/>)
science/gwyddion-2.45 (Score: 0.01987111)
Gtk2 based SPM data visualization and analysis tool
Gwyddion is a modular SPM (Scanning Probe Microsopy) data visualization and analysis tool written with Gtk+. It can be used for all most frequently used data processing operations including: leveling, false color plotting, shading, filtering, denoising, data editing, integral transforms, grain analysis, profile extraction, fractal analysis, and many more. The program is primarily focused on SPM data analysis (e.g. data obtained from AFM, STM, NSOM, and similar microscopes). However, it can also be used for analysis of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) data or any other 2D data.