Ports 搜索

japanese/kiten-4.14.3 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Japanese reference/study tool for KDE 4
Kiten is a Japanese reference/learning tool. FEATURES - Search with English keyword, Japanese reading, or a Kanji string on a list of EDICT files. - Search with English keyword, Japanese reading, number of strokes, grade number, or a Kanji on a list of KANJIDIC files. - Comes with all necessary files. - Very fast. - Limit searches to only common entries. - Nested searches of results possible. - Compact, small, fast interface. - Global KDE keybindings for searching highlighted strings. - Learning dialog. (One can even open up multiple ones and have them sync between each other.) - Browse Kanji by grade. - Add Kanji to a list for later learning. - Browse list, and get quizzed on them.
java/bouncycastle-1.55 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Cleanroom build of Java Cryptography Extensions
The Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs consist of the following: . A lightweight cryptography API in Java. . A provider for the JCE and JCA. . A clean room implementation of the JCE 1.2.1. . A library for reading and writing encoded ASN.1 objects. . Generators for Version 1 and Version 3 X.509 certificates, Version 2 CRLs, and PKCS12 files. . Generators for Version 2 X.509 attribute certificates. . Generators/Processors for S/MIME and CMS (PKCS7). . Generators/Processors for OCSP (RFC 2560). . Generators/Processors for TSP (RFC 3161). . Generators/Processors for OpenPGP (RFC 2440). . A signed jar version suitable for JDK 1.4/1.5 and the Sun JCE. It's distributed under a modified X license.
java/bouncycastle-1.45 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Bouncy Castle Crypto API由如下内容组成: . Java 语言的轻量级的密码学API。 . JCE 和 JCA 的提供者。 . JCE 1.2.1 的一个清晰实现。 . 读写编码的 ASN.1 对象的类库。 . 版本1和版本3的 X.509 证书,版本2的 CRL 和 PKCS12 文件生成器。 . 版本2的 X.509 属性证书生成器。 . S/MIME 和 CMS(PKCS7)的生成器和处理器。 . OCSP(RFC 2560)的生成器和处理器。 . TSP(RFC 3161)的生成器和处理器。 . OpenPGP(RFC 2440)的生成器和处理器。 . 适用于JDK 1.4/1.5的签名jar。 在X许可协议(修改过)下发行。 - Alex Dupre ale@FreeBSD.org
mail/bayespam-0.9.2 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Qmail spam filter written in Perl using Bayesian classification
Bayespam is a qmail spam filter written in Perl, using Bayesian classification to filter out unsolicited commercial email. It is written with ease of installation and use in mind, and it is encouraged that you give it a try. Bayespam actually learns as you give it more spam to process, so it should become better and better the longer you use it. Bayespam is based on a paper written by Paul Graham called A Plan for Spam. In this paper, Mr. Graham talked about a spam filter he is working on that used Bayesian classification to determine if a particular piece of email is spam or not.
misc/pylize-1.3.b (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Presentation generation tool
pylize is a presentation generation tool. Among its features are: * generates a template master document * creates a set of HTML slides from the master document * automatically creates the table of contents and distributes it to serveral slides if necessary * a nice CSS driven slide layout, including logo, navigation links, progress-bar etc. * easy navigation by accesskeys and single-key presses (through JavaScript) * easy changing of layout through templates * all information for a presentation in one master file, but configurable through a per-user options file * fully localized
misc/spamcalc-0.5 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Calculates "DNS-spam"-values for hostnames
Spamcalc takes a hostname or a list of hostnames and determines a dns spam score for each hostname. This value is an indication for the spam-ness of the hostname. The higher the score, the higher the chance that the hostname is actually a dns spam hostname. Hostnames that are considered dns spam are hostnames with (a part of) a sentence in them (master.of.the.world.net), swearwords (shittywhore.armaster.roadkill.net) and other forms of unwanted textual data (666666666666666666666666666666666.sixtysix.org, 0-1-2-3-4-5.blah.com).
net-im/Net-Stomp-0.57 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client
This module allows you to write a Stomp client. Stomp is the Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol (or the Protocol Briefly Known as TTMP and Represented by the symbol :ttmp). It's a simple and easy to implement protocol for working with Message Orientated Middleware from any language. Net::Stomp is useful for talking to Apache ActiveMQ, an open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS) message broker packed with many enterprise features. A Stomp frame consists of a command, a series of headers and a body - see Net::Stomp::Frame for more details. For details on the protocol see http://stomp.codehaus.org/Protocol.
net/ntp-4.3.93 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
The Network Time Protocol Distribution
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the time of a computer client or server to another server or reference time source, such as a radio or satellite receiver or modem. It provides client accuracies typically within a millisecond on LANs and up to a few tens of milliseconds on WANs relative to a primary server synchronized to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) via a Global Positioning Service (GPS) receiver, for example. Typical NTP configurations utilize multiple redundant servers and diverse network paths, in order to achieve high accuracy and reliability. Some configurations include cryptographic authentication to prevent accidental or malicious protocol attacks. See homepage for more infos:
net/minissdpd-1.2 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
UPnP IGD discovery speed enhancer
Every UPnP device and UPnP client (or control point in UPnP terminology) needs to listen to SSDP packets broadcasted to the group When several UPnP devices are running on the same server, or several UPnP control points are trying a discovery process on the same server, there is concurence to open a bind a socket on the UDP port 1900. MiniSSDPd can also provide a history of the SSDP NOTIFY packets sent on the network during a period of a few minutes and it keeps track of all UPnP devices that announced themselves on the network through SSDP NOTIFY packets.
net/nast-0.2.0 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Packet sniffer
Nast is a packet sniffer and a LAN analyzer based on Libnet and Libpcap. As analyzer tool, it has many features like: * Build LAN hosts list * Follow a TCP-DATA stream * Find LAN internet gateways * Discorver promiscous nodes * Reset an established connection * Perform a single half-open portscanner * Perform a multi half-open portscanner * Find link type (hub or switch) * Catch daemon banner of LAN nodes * Control arp answers to discover possible arp-spoofings * Byte couting with an optional filter * Write reports logging It also provides a ncurses menu.