Ports 搜索

net/POE-Component-Client-Ping-1.174 (Score: 0.026957162)
POE component for non-blocking/concurrent ICMP ping
POE::Component::Client::Ping is non-blocking ICMP ping client session. It lets several other sessions ping through it in parallel, and it lets them continue doing other things while they wait for responses.
net/Queue-Beanstalk-0.02 (Score: 0.026957162)
Client for beanstalkd, in-memory workqueue daemon
Queue::Beanstalk is a Perl client for beanstalkd, a fast, distributed, in-memory workqueue daemon.
Non-blocking traceroute client
POE::Component::Client::Traceroute is a non-blocking Traceroute client. It lets several other sessions traceroute through it in parallel, and it lets them continue doing other things while they wait for responses.
net/POE-Component-Client-Twitter-0.01 (Score: 0.026957162)
POE chat component for twitter.com
POE::Component::Client::Twitter is a POE component for Twitter API.
net/POE-Component-ControlPort-0.01 (Score: 0.026957162)
Network control port for POE applications
When building network applications, it is often helpful to have a network accessible control and diagnostic interface. This module provides such an interface for POE applications. By default, it provides a fairly limited set of commands but is easily extended to provide whatever command set you require.
net/POE-Component-Generic-0.14.03 (Score: 0.026957162)
Provides non-blocking access to a blocking object
POE::Component::Generic is a POE component that provides a non-blocking wrapper around any object. It works by forking a child process with POE::Wheel::Run and creating the object in the child process. Method calls are then serialised and sent via STDIN to the child to be handled. Return values are posted back to your session via STDOUT. This means that all method arguments and return values must survive serialisation. If you need to pass coderefs, use "callbacks", "postbacks" or "factories". Method calls are wrapped in eval in the child process so that errors may be propagated back to your session. See "OUTPUT". Output to STDERR in the child, that is from your object, is shown only if debug or verbose is set. STDOUT in the child, that is from your object, is redirected to STDERR and will be shown in the same circomstances.
net/POE-Component-Jabber-3.00 (Score: 0.026957162)
POE Component for communicating over Jabber
POE::Component::Jabber is a module that simplies for the POE developer, access to the Jabber protocol through the use of one of the four Client classes. With built in events for common Jabber packets, all a POE developer need do is provide an event and arguments for most events so the responses to the requests can be properly handled by the coder.
net/POE-Component-PubSub-0.05 (Score: 0.026957162)
Generic publish/subscribe POE::Component
A generic publish/subscribe POE::Component that enables POE::Sessions to publish events to which other POE::Sessions may subscribe.
net/POE-Component-Server-Twirc-0.20 (Score: 0.026957162)
Twitter/IRC gateway
POE::Component::Server::Twirc provides an IRC/Twitter gateway. Twitter friends are added to a channel and messages they post on twitter appear as channel messages in IRC. The IRC interface supports several Twitter features, including posting status updates, following and un-following Twitter feeds, enabling and disabling device notifications, sending direct messages, and querying information about specific Twitter users.
net/pvm-3.4.6 (Score: 0.026957162)
Parallel Virtual Machine libraries and environment
PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) is a portable message-passing programming system, designed to link separate host machines to form a virtual machine which is a single, manageable computing resource. The virtual machine can be composed of hosts of different architectures, located in physically remote locations. PVM applications can be composed of any number of separate processes, or components, written in a mixture of C, C++, and Fortran. The system is portable to a wide variety of architectures, including workstations, multiprocessors, supercomputers, and PCs.