Ports 搜索

finance/trytond28_account_be-2.8.0 (Score: 0.0053939093)
Tryton Application Platform (Belgian Account Chart)
This module provides the chart of account which is used in Belgium.
graphics/swftools-0.9.2 (Score: 0.0053775157)
SWF manipulation and generation utilities
SWF Tools is a collection of SWF manipulation and generation utilities At the moment, this includes: - PDF2SWF : A PDF to SWF Converter. Generates one frame per page. - SWFCombine : A tool for inserting SWFs into Wrapper SWFs. - SWFStrings : Scans SWFs for text data. - SWFDump : Prints out various informations about SWFs. - JPEG2SWF : Takes one or more JPEG pictures and generates a SWF slideshow. - PNG2SWF : Like JPEG2SWF, only for PNGs. - GIF2SWF : Converts GIFs to SWF. Also able to handle animated gifs. - WAV2SWF : Converts WAV audio files to SWFs with MP3 Streams, using the L.A.M.E. MP3 encoder. - Font2SWF : Converts font files (TTF, Type1) to SWF. - SWFBBox : Allows to readjust SWF bounding boxes. - SWFC : A tool for creating SWF files from simple script files. - SWFExtract : Allows to extract Movieclips, Sounds, Images etc. from SWF files. - AS3Compile : A standalone ActionScript 3.0 compiler. Mostly compatible with Flex.
www/HTML-Breadcrumbs-0.7 (Score: 0.0053775157)
Module to produce HTML 'breadcrumb trails'
HTML::Breadcrumbs is a module used to create HTML 'breadcrumb trails' i.e. an ordered set of html links locating the current page within a hierarchy. HTML::Breadcrumbs splits the given path up into a list of elements, derives labels to use for each of these elements, and then renders this list as N-1 links using the derived label, with the final element being just a label. Both procedural and object-oriented interfaces are provided. The OO interface is useful if you want to separate object creation and initialisation from rendering or display, or for subclassing. Both interfaces allow you to munge the path in various ways, to set labels either explicitly via a hashref or via a callback subroutine, and to control the formatting of elements via sprintf patterns or a callback subroutine.
multimedia/vdr-plugin-streamdev-0.6.1 (Score: 0.0053711906)
Video Disk Recorder - stream device plugin
http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Streamdev-plugin This PlugIn is a VDR implementation of the VTP (Video Transfer Protocol) Version 0.0.3 (see file PROTOCOL) and a basic HTTP Streaming Protocol. It consists of a server and a client part, but both parts are compiled together with the PlugIn source, but appear as separate PlugIns to VDR. The client part acts as a full Input Device, so it can be used in conjunction with a DXR3-Card, XINE, SoftDevice or others to act as a working VDR installation without any DVB-Hardware including EPG-Handling. The server part acts as a Receiver-Device and works transparently in the background within your running VDR. It can serve multiple clients and it can distribute multiple input streams (i.e. from multiple DVB-cards) to multiple clients using the native VTP protocol (for VDR-clients), or using the HTTP protocol supporting clients such as XINE, MPlayer and so on. With XMMS or WinAMP, you can also listen to radio channels over a HTTP connection.
multimedia/szap_s2-20100129s (Score: 0.00535801)
Simple zapping tool for the Linux DVB S2 API
szap-s2 is a command line channel zapping (i.e. tuning) utility similar to szap but including support for S2API a.k.a. DVB API version 5, which supports DVB-S2. When using szap-s2, one instructs it to change the channel to one of a list of channels supplied in a channels.conf type file. There is no manpage yet, but you can run szap-s2 without args to get a usage message. location of channel list file is ~/.szap/channels.conf one line of the szap channel file has the following format: name:frequency_MHz:polarization[coderate][delivery][modulation][rolloff]:sat_no:symbolrate:vpid:apid:service_id one line of the VDR channel file has the following format: name:frequency_MHz:polarization[coderate][delivery][modulation][rolloff]:sat_no:symbolrate:vpid:apid:tpid:?:service_id:?:?:?
textproc/xerces-c-3.1.4 (Score: 0.0053551984)
Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project
Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project. It provides a shared library to parse, generate, mainpulate and validate XML documents from within your own application.
databases/cdb-0.75 (Score: 0.00533833)
Fast lookup database library & utilities
cdb is a fast, reliable, lightweight package for creating and reading constant databases. Its database structure provides several features: * Fast lookups: A successful lookup in a large database normally takes just two disk accesses. An unsuccessful lookup takes only one. * Low overhead: A database uses 2048 bytes, plus 24 bytes per record, plus the space for keys and data. * No random limits: cdb can handle any database up to 4 gigabytes. There are no other restrictions; records don't even have to fit into memory. Databases are stored in a machine-independent format. * Fast atomic database replacement: cdbmake can rewrite an entire database two orders of magnitude faster than other hashing packages. * Fast database dumps: cdbdump prints the contents of a database in cdbmake-compatible format. cdb is designed to be used in mission-critical applications like e-mail. Database replacement is safe against system crashes. Readers don't have to pause during a rewrite. Note for developers: packages that need to read cdb files should incorporate the necessary portions of the cdb library rather than relying on an external cdb library. (See WWW)
security/ccrypt-1.10 (Score: 0.00533833)
Command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams
ccrypt is a utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams. It was designed to replace the standard Unix crypt utility, which is notorious for using a very weak encryption algorithm. ccrypt is based on the Rijndael cipher, which is the U.S. government's chosen candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, see http://www.nist.gov/aes/). This cipher is believed to provide very strong security. Unlike Unix crypt, the algorithm provided by ccrypt is not symmetric, i.e., one must specify whether to encrypt or decrypt. The most common way to invoke ccrypt is via the commands ccencrypt and ccdecrypt. There is also a ccat command for decrypting a file directly to the terminal, thus reducing the likelihood of leaving temporary plaintext files around. In addition, there is a compatibility mode for decrypting legacy Unix crypt files. Encryption and decryption depends on a keyword (or key phrase) supplied by the user. By default, the user is prompted to enter a keyword from the terminal. Keywords can consist of any number of characters, and all characters are significant (although ccrypt internally hashes the key to 256 bits). Longer keywords provide better security than short ones, since they are less likely to be discovered by exhaustive search.
devel/shake-0.15.5 (Score: 0.0053367987)
Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies
Shake is a Haskell library for writing build systems - designed as a replacement for make. To use Shake the user writes a Haskell program that imports the Shake library, defines some build rules, and calls shake. Thanks to do notation and infix operators, a simple Shake program is not too dissimilar from a simple Makefile. However, as build systems get more complex, Shake is able to take advantage of the excellent abstraction facilities offered by Haskell and easily support much larger projects. The Shake library provides all the standard features available in other build systems, including automatic parallelism and minimal rebuilds. Shake provides highly accurate dependency tracking, including seamless support for generated files, and dependencies on system information (e.g. compiler version).
devel/Media-Type-Simple-0.02 (Score: 0.0053367987)
MIME Media Types and their file extensions
Media::Type::Simple gives a simple functions for obtaining common file extensions from media types, and from obtaining media types from file extensions. It is also relaxed with respect to having multiple media types associated with a file extension, or multiple extensions associated with a media type, and it includes media types for encodings such as gzip. It is defined this way in the default data, but this does not meet your needs, then you can have it use a system file (e.g. /etc/mime.types) or custom data. By default, there is a functional interface, although you can also use an object-oriented inteface. (Different objects will not share the same data.)