Ports 搜索

www/DFileServer-1.1.3 (Score: 0.012419444)
Compact webserver designed to make sharing files easy
A small and simple webserver programmed in C++ that was designed to make sharing files easy. By default, it shares whatever folder it was executed from on port 2000. While simple, a good deal of flexibility is exposed when you read the documentation and look at the optional configuration files.
www/mod_auth_imap-2.2.0 (Score: 0.012419444)
Apache 2 module to provide authentication via an IMAP mail server
An Apache 2 module to provide authentication via an IMAP mail server.
www/srg-1.3.6 (Score: 0.012419444)
Squid Report Generator
SRG is a Squid Report Generator designed for the needs of CRCnet. None of the existing report generators could provide the exact solution that we required and we decided to start from scratch rather than trying to modify an existing progamme. SRG is designed to be fast and easy to integrate in to other authentication systems (such as those that are driving Squid itself). Features * PHP Output with built in authentication hooks * Fast Processing * Reporting right down the location vistied
www/HTML-Template-JIT-0.05 (Score: 0.012419444)
Perl module to compile HTML Templates with Inline::C
This module provides a just-in-time compiler for HTML::Template. If your template needs to be compiled - either because it has changed or because it has never been compiled - then HTML::Template::JIT uses HTML::Template and Inline::C to compile your template to native machine instructions. The resulting compiled template is much faster than a normal cached template. Benchmarks show HTML::Template::JIT, with a precompiled template, performing 4 to 8 times faster than HTML::Template in cache mode.
www/HTTP_WebDAV_Client-1.0.2 (Score: 0.012419444)
WebDAV Stream Wrapper Class
HTTP_WebDAV_Client is a RFC2518 compliant stream wrapper that allows to use WebDAV server resources like a regular file system from within PHP.
www/HTTP_WebDAV_Server-1.0.0.r4 (Score: 0.012419444)
WebDAV Server Baseclass
HTTP_WebDAV_Server is a RFC2518 compliant helper class for WebDAV server implementation.
www/Services_Amazon_S3-0.4.0 (Score: 0.012419444)
PHP API for Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
pear-Services_Amazon_S3 provides an object-oriented interface to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). This package is based on the 2006-03-01 REST API.
www/Services_W3C_CSSValidator-0.2.3 (Score: 0.012419444)
PHP interface to W3C CSS Validator API
This package provides an object oriented interface to the API of the W3 CSS Validator application (http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/). With this package you can connect to a running instance of the validator and retrieve the validation results (true|false) as well as the errors and warnings for a style sheet.
www/Services_W3C_HTMLValidator-1.0.0 (Score: 0.012419444)
Object Oriented Interface to the W3C HTML Validator service
This package provides an object oriented interface to the API of the W3 HTML Validator application (http://validator.w3.org/). With this package you can connect to a running instance of the validator and retrieve the validation results (true|false) as well as the errors and warnings for a web page.
Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid using HTML_Template_Flexy
This is a Renderer driver for Structures_DataGrid using HTML_Template_Flexy. It adds a couple of variables to a Flexy instance and adds paging functionality. This renderer also enables customised result messages, customised column labels and a column label formatter