Ports 搜索

x11-wm/vtwm- (Score: 0.005581701)
Twm with a virtual desktop and optional Motif-like features
Vtwm is a twm variant with a virtual desktop. Unlike its older cousin tvtwm, vtwm is under active development, and supports a number of relatively new features, such as configurable Motif-like decorations.
x11-wm/wmconfig-1.5.0 (Score: 0.005581701)
Menu generation tool for X window managers
Wmconfig is a free menu generation tool for various X window managers. It is easy-to-use and uses a simple configuration file layout.
x11-wm/xfce4-desktop-4.12.3 (Score: 0.005581701)
Xfce's desktop manager
The desktop manager sets the background image, and provides a root window menu, desktop icons or minimized icons and windows list.
x11-wm/xfce4-session-4.12.1 (Score: 0.005581701)
Xfce's session manager
The Xfce session manager controls the loading of applications when Xfce is started. It also handles logging out, shutting down, and rebooting.
x11-wm/xfce4-wm-4.12.3 (Score: 0.005581701)
Xfce's window manager
The Xfce 4 window manager manages the placement of application windows on the screen, provides window decorations, and manages work- spaces or virtual desktops.
x11-wm/xfce-4.12 (Score: 0.005581701)
The "meta-port" for the Xfce Desktop Environment
Xfce Desktop Environment This package does not contain anything by itself - it is a "meta-port" that depends on other Xfce packages.
x11/kde-runtime-4.14.3 (Score: 0.005581701)
Runtime components for KDE Plasma Desktop
This package provides the basic applications for the KDE system. Installing this package (and its dependencies) will provide you with everything required for a minimal, functional KDE desktop.
x11/kde-workspace-4.11.21 (Score: 0.005581701)
KDE Plasma Desktop
This package provides the basic applications for the KDE system. Installing this package (and its dependencies) will provide you with everything required for a minimal, functional KDE desktop.
x11/libexo-0.10.7 (Score: 0.005581701)
Application library for the Xfce desktop environment
Exo is an Xfce library targeted at application development. It contains various custom widgets and APIs extending the functionality of GLib and GTK+. It also ships utilities for defining preferred applications, mounting storage devices and more.
x11/libgnome-2.32.0 (Score: 0.005581701)
Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
LibGnome provides the non-GUI backend for the GNOME environment.