Ports Search

Results 1,6511,660 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.008 seconds)
ftp/ftpcopy-0.6.7 (Score: 0.0063802274)
Command line ftp tools for listing and mirroring
Two command line ftp tools. ftpcopy is a simple FTP client written to copy files or directories (recursively) from a FTP server. It's main purpose is to mirror FTP sites which support the MLSD/MLST commands or which employ the EPLF directory listing format, although it also supports the traditional listing format (/bin/ls). ftpls is a FTP client which generates directory listings, either in plain text or HTML format. The tools only support passive mode FTP, intentionally.
graphics/GDD- (Score: 0.0063802274)
Graphics device for R for creating bitmap output
GDD is a graphics device for R which uses libgd for creating bitmap output. Supported output formats are png8, png24, gif and jpeg. The main purpose of this package is to replace png/jpeg and similar native devices in R which either rely on X11 or use GhostScript are thus are very slow and not suitable in server applications. GDD also supports advanced features such as anti-aliasing of both lines and text.
java/cos-2002.11.05 (Score: 0.0063802274)
The O'Reilly package of utility classes for servlet developers
The com.oreilly.servlet package contains a set of useful utility classes for servlet developers. Included are classes to help servlets parse parameters, handle multipart requests (file uploads), generate multipart responses (server push), negotiate locales for internationalization, return files, manage socket connections, and act as RMI servers, among other things. There's even a class to help applets communicate with servlets. The package was developed by Jason Hunter for his book "Java Servlet Programming" published by O'Reilly. See: For more details.
mail/greylite-2.3 (Score: 0.0063802274)
Modified greylisting for qmail and for any other MDA
Greylite is a SPAM filter with exceptional effectiveness and without false positives. It combines natively with qmail and works as a proxy for any SMTP server. It implements a modified greylisting algorithm that improves the filtering effectiveness and minimizes the delay drawbacks associated with the standard greylisting algorithm. It can be tuned to recognize suspicious clients and reject their attempts multiple times, reaching filtering rates of over 99% without false positives. Greylite is easy to setup and maintain, and it is small and fast.
mail/libpst-0.6.66 (Score: 0.0063802274)
Tool for converting Outlook .pst files to mbox and other formats
readpst: A tool for converting Outlook .pst files to Unix mbox and other formats. This version can now convert both 32-bit Outlook files (pre-2003), and the 64-bit Outlook 2003 .pst files. Utilities are supplied to convert email messages to both mbox and MH mailbox formats, and to DII load file format for use with many of the CT Summation products. Contacts can be converted to a simple list, to vcard format, or to .ldif format for import to an LDAP server.
mail/Mail-CheckUser-1.21 (Score: 0.0063802274)
Perl module to check email addresses for validity
This Perl module provides routines for checking validity of email address. It makes several checks: 1. It checks the syntax of an email address. 2. It checks if there any MX records or A records for the domain part of the email address. 3. It tries to connect to an email server directly via SMTP to check if mailbox is valid. It uses a combination of MAIL and RCPT commands which simulates sending an email. It can detect bad mailboxes in many cases.
net/radiusclient-0.5.6 (Score: 0.0063802274)
Client library and basic utilities for RADIUS AAA
The RadiusClient is a framework and library for writing RADIUS Clients which additionally includes radlogin, a flexible RADIUS aware login replacement, a command line program to send RADIUS authentication/authorisation requests and accounting records and a utility to query the status of a RADIUS server. All these programs are based on a library which lets you develop a RADIUS-aware application in less than 50 lines of C code.
net/rp-pppoe-3.12 (Score: 0.0063802274)
The popular Roaring Penguin's PPPoE software
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a protocol used by many ADSL service providers. Roaring Penguin's PPPoE software is a reliable program for connecting Unix systems to PPPoE service providers without requiring any kernel patches. Note that this port has had little testing (it works on 5-CURRENT to access T-Online in Germany from the client side) and the server side is entirely untested.
security/Authen-Ticket-0.02 (Score: 0.0063802274)
Perl module providing the framework for implementing a ticketing system
Authen::Ticket provides the framework for implementing a ticketing system for web authentication. Both the client website and ticket server code can be constructed from Authen::Ticket. The framework allows for customization at all phases in the process. This includes not only the login screens, but the cookie creation and optional digital signature algorithm as well. Consult the README for more details on this module.
security/Crypt-GPG-1.64 (Score: 0.0063802274)
Perl extension for GnuPG
The Crypt::GPG module provides access to the functionality of the GnuPG (www.gnupg.org) encryption tool through an object oriented interface. It provides methods for encryption, decryption, signing, signature verification, key generation, key certification, export and import. Key-server access is on the todo list. This release of the module may create compatibility issues with previous versions. If you find any such problems, or any bugs or documentation errors, please do report them to crypt-gpg at neomailbox.com.