Ports 搜索

audio/pytone-3.0.3 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Music jukebox written in Python with a curses GUI
PyTone is a music jukebox written in Python with a curses based GUI. While providing advanced features like crossfading and multiple players, special emphasis is put on ease of use, turning PyTone into an ideal jukebox system for use at parties.
databases/DBICx-TestDatabase-0.05 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Module to create temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
The Perl 5 module DBICx::TestDatabase creates a temporary SQLite database, deploys your DBIC schema, and then connects to it. This lets you easily test your DBIC schema. Since you have a fresh database for every test, you don't have to worry about cleaning up after your tests, ordering of tests affecting failure, etc.
databases/dbutils-1.1 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Providing solid, persistent, and pooled connections to a database
DBUtils is a suite of tools providing solid, persistent and pooled connections to a database that can be used in all kinds of multi-threaded environments like Webware for Python or other web application servers. The suite supports DB-API 2 compliant database interfaces and the classic PyGreSQL interface.
devel/bzr-pipeline-1.4 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Bzr tools for working with a sequence of branches
The Bazaar pipeline plugin helps you organize your changes into sections called "pipes". Pipelines can help you: * focus on each set of changes as a coherent piece, without being distracted by other sets of changes. * respect diff size limits when submitting changes * avoid reviewer fatigue when submitting changes for code review * maintain a set of patches against an upstream branch
devel/googletest-1.7.0 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms
Google's framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, Windows CE, and Symbian). Based on the xUnit architecture. Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, type-parameterized tests, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation.
devel/monad-par- (Score: 0.0023984204)
Library for parallel programming based on a monad
The Par monad offers a simple API for parallel programming. The library works for parallelising both pure and IO computations, although only the pure version is deterministic. The default implementation provides a work-stealing scheduler and supports forking tasks that are much lighter weight than IO-threads.
devel/libleaftag-0.3.1 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Leaftag is a library for tagging files on the desktop
Leaftag is a library and set of utilities for tagging files on the desktop. libleaftag is the core tagging library. It's GObject-based and provides a simple means for tagging and untagging files, retrieving lists of tags, and generally manipulating the database. Project homepage:
devel/msgpuck-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0023984204)
MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header
MsgPuck is a simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header file. * Can be easily incorporated into your project * Is very easy to use (see examples below) * Is fully tested and documented * Has clean and readable C source code * Is published under the very liberal license (BSD-2)
devel/pomap-3.0.5 (Score: 0.0023984204)
OCaml library to maintain a list of partially ordered elements
The Pomap-library implements an ADT that maintains maps of partially ordered elements. Whereas a total order allows you to say whether some element is lower, equal or greater than another one, partial orders also allow for a "don-t know" case.
devel/CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.140 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Set of version requirements for a CPAN distribution
A CPAN::Meta::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those specified in the META.yml or META.json files in CPAN distributions. It can be built up by adding more and more constraints, and it will reduce them to the simplest representation. Logically impossible constraints will be identified immediately by thrown exceptions.