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converters/Unicode-Map8-0.13 (Score: 2.7493373E-4)
Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode
Unicode::Map8 ------------- The Unicode::Map8 class implement efficient mapping tables between 8-bit character sets and 16 bit character sets like Unicode. About 170 different mapping tables between various known character sets and Unicode is distributed with this package. The source of these tables is the vendor mapping tables provided by Unicode, Inc. and the code tables in RFC 1345. New maps can easily be installed. By coincidence Martin Schwartz created a similar module at the same time I did. His module is called Unicode::Map and should be available on CPAN too. Both modules now support a unified interface. Martin's module will be depreciated in the future. Since UTF8 support is coming to Perl soon, there might be good reasons to move this module in the direction of mapping to/from UTF8. I will probably do so, once the Unicode support in the Perl core settle. COPYRIGHT 1998-1999 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.
Introspect many-to-many shortcuts
Because the many-to-many relationships are not real relationships, they can not be introspected with DBIx::Class. Many-to-many relationships are actually just a collection of convenience methods installed to bridge two relationships. This DBIx::Class component can be used to store all relevant information about these non-relationships so they can later be introspected and examined. This module is fairly esoteric and, unless you are dynamically creating something out of a DBIC Schema, is probably the wrong solution for whatever it is you are trying to do. Please be advised that compatibility is not guaranteed for DBIx::Class 0.09000+. We will try to mantain all compatibility, but internal changes might make it impossible.
devel/libhtp-0.5.21 (Score: 2.7493373E-4)
Security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol
LibHTP is a security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol and the related bits and pieces. The goals of the project, in the order of importance, are as follows: 1. Completeness of coverage; LibHTP must be able to parse virtually all traffic that is found in practice. 2. Permissive parsing; LibHTP must never fail to parse a stream that would be parsed by some other web server. 3. Awareness of evasion techniques; LibHTP must be able to detect and effectively deal with various evasion techniques, producing, where practical, identical or practically identical results as the web server processing the same traffic stream. 4. Performance; The performance must be adequate for the desired tasks. Completeness and security are often detremental to performance. Our idea of handling the conflicting requirements is to put the library user in control, allowing him to choose the most desired library characteristic.
print/xmbibtex-1.7 (Score: 2.7493373E-4)
Reference manager based on the BibTeX file format
XmBibTeX is a Motif (LessTif) reference manager based on the BibTeX file format. It allows to add, delete, and edit references. The references can be saved in the BibTeX file format and also written on a LaTeX file that can be printed using LaTeX and BibTeX. References can be retrieved by several search strategies. Import of references from the Medline and Inspec file format is included. However, I found that the Medline file format is not unique. Up to now, there are import filters available for the "Ovid Medline", the "PubMed Medline" and for the "Spirs Medline" format. It would be nice if some people could write additional import filters for other file formats.
sysutils/and-1.2.2 (Score: 2.7493373E-4)
Auto Nice Daemon
The Auto Nice Daemon activates itself in certain intervals and renices jobs according to their priority and CPU usage. Jobs owned by root are left alone. Jobs are never increased in their priority. AND is very flexible. The renice intervals can be adjusted as well as the default nice level and the activation intervals. A priority database stores user/group/job tuples along with their renice values for three CPU usage time ranges. Negative nice levels are interpreted as signals to be sent to a process, triggered by CPU usage; this way, Netscapes going berserk can be killed automatically. The strategy for searching the priority database can be configured. AND also provides network-wide configuration files with host-specific sections, as well as wildcard/regexp support for commands in the priority database.
sysutils/diffoscope-59 (Score: 2.7493373E-4)
In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
diffoscope will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different. It will recursively unpack archives of many kinds and transform various binary formats into more human readable form to compare them. It can compare two tarballs, ISO images, or PDF just as easily. It can be scripted through error codes, and a report can be produced with the detected differences. The report can be text or HTML. When no type of report has been selected, diffoscope defaults to write a text report on the standard output. diffoscope is developed as part of the 'reproducible builds' Debian project. It is meant to be able to quickly understand why two builds of the same package produce different outputs. diffoscope was previously named debbindiff.
www/libhtp-0.2.14 (Score: 2.7493373E-4)
Security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol
LibHTP is a security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol and the related bits and pieces. The goals of the project, in the order of importance, are as follows: 1. Completeness of coverage; LibHTP must be able to parse virtually all traffic that is found in practice. 2. Permissive parsing; LibHTP must never fail to parse a stream that would be parsed by some other web server. 3. Awareness of evasion techniques; LibHTP must be able to detect and effectively deal with various evasion techniques, producing, where practical, identical or practically identical results as the web server processing the same traffic stream. 4. Performance; The performance must be adequate for the desired tasks. Completeness and security are often detremental to performance. Our idea of handling the conflicting requirements is to put the library user in control, allowing him to choose the most desired library characteristic.
archivers/rar-5.4.0 (Score: 2.742758E-4)
File archiver (binary port)
The rar archiver adds and extracts files to and from an archive. The archive is usually a regular file, whose ends in the ".rar" suffix. The archive could be a medium like a floppy diskette, tape or any other storage device.
audio/festvox-el11-1.4.0 (Score: 2.742758E-4)
Castilian Spanish male voice for Festival
from the NetBSD maintainer: This voice provides a Castilian Spanish male voice using a residual excited LPC diphone synthesis method. The lexicon is provided by a set of letter to sound rules producing pronunciation accents and syllabification. The durations, intonation and prosodic phrasing are minimal but are acceptable for simple examples. This voice can be activated via (voice_el_diphone) .
audio/soundtracker-0.6.8 (Score: 2.742758E-4)
Mod player/tracking tool which supports XM and MOD formats
SoundTracker is a pattern-oriented music editor (similar to the classic DOS program FastTracker and the Amiga legend ProTracker). Samples can be lined up on tracks and patterns which are then arranged to a song. Supported module formats are XM and MOD; the player code is the one from OpenCP. A basic sample recorder and editor is also included.